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Comment Re:Should I get an iPhone rather than Android (Score 1) 154

I actually own both an iPhone 5 and an S3. I've had 4 iPhones, and purchased the S3 b/c I wanted a test phone for mobile development. My plan: I'll make whatever seems the better phone my primary line.

My opinion: the S3 seems to be a superior phone. However, there are some really top notch apps on iOS, and I'm finding poor substitutes so far on Google Play (both free and paid). (TweetBot, Things, Downcast, and OmniFocus come to mind) Some of the "same" apps available on both are very poor on Android. Some of my favorite games aren't on Android (PopCap titles). Even where I've found identical apps, often there's no "Pro" version on Android that I can (re)purchase to get rid of ads.

Bottom line: the S3 is s superior device, and I love Android's features, but it's all about the apps. I'm really cheering for the S3, but I think it'll be at least a year before the ecosystem catches up. :-(

Comment Re:Nullified (Score 2, Interesting) 388

See you've been modded up to 5 while remaining an Anonymous COWARD. Hey mods, "Insightful" doesn't mean the same as, "I agree with you! Right on!" (which there is no mod status for)

The arrested who can't bond out (either too expensive or no bond available) commonly site in jail for several months - 8 months isn't unheard of. Add to the fact that most attorneys will advise a waiver of speedy trial in order to prepare their client's case. (Who is in better shape in a speedy trial: a single attorney with a single assistance or the DA's office, with dozens of assistant DAs and paralegals?)

Comment Re:Nullified (Score 1) 388

Does an illegitimate government have to keep writing checks?

There's several million welfare recipients who consider that government very legitimate. About 2 million inmates are also locked up by the states that rely on federal funds. Start taking away the poor's carrots and start releasing murderers and rapists, and I'm pretty sure that the rights of a computer cracker will be the least of your worries.

Comment Re:I don't get it. (Score 0) 391

I was told I can could get Linux on a phone a couple of years ago. I assumed that meant it would be impervious to malware, that I'd have to edit text files using a text mode editor, that I'd have to spend hours tweaking the window manager just to get a GUI, and that I'd have to recompile the kernel to enable new features.

Comment Re:Click-whoring post. How could this get approved (Score 2) 233

You just noticed that? A significant number of submissions (and on some days, a majority) do the exact same thing.

I remember when Slashdot submissions required some original thought, and the quality of your submission might determine if it was picked over others submitting the same link.

Much of the fault falls on Slashdot editors. It should take less than ten seconds to reject a submission based on a copy-and-paste summary. Of course, that'd harm their page views for ads, so gotta keep the stories coming no matter what, right?

That's why a laugh when I see any discussion about the evils of corporate greed. Impartial with regard to Google? Maybe if the big G wasn't a primary source of revenue. This isn't new however. About ten years ago, I made a hobby of grabbing screenshots of Slashdot where they were pimping Microsoft in banner ads - sometimes even on the same page as articles about MS. A couple are here:


Comment Re:of course (Score 4, Insightful) 176

Pretty sure this is more a lobby issue, and less a party issue.

I realize that on Slashdot, "GOP is derp, Democrats are magic unicorns" is the way we're supposed to think. However, from an ideological perspective, the GOP is more closely aligned with the ethos that could back copyright reform than the Democratic party: GOP cares about things like defense spending and big oil, and takes a "get off my lawn" attitude. Democratic party is backed by entertainment and software industries pretty heavy.

I'm not saying the Democratic platform is inferior or anything like that. Rather than check my brain at the door and say "Republicans are dumb" to throngs of derpalicious applause, I recognize that each party has very distinct ideologies. The Republican one is more closely aligned with what is necessary for copyright reform. I know it might sicken some Slashdotters to have to admit that they agree with (some parts of) the Republican party on something, but when ideology exists along a continuum (or probably better, thought of as a three dimensional matrix), its inevitable that a 2 party system will result in one or the other having conflicting values for any given person.

I'll be the first to admit, however, that the Republican party would be better served by a split. Right wing over there (Christian activists, opposed to social policy, shoot em up warmongers), those that are pro business and fiscal conservatives over here. I know the Libertarian party already meets the needs of the latter group, but I think party change needs to happen from within, as opposed to be recruited away. Of course, this is probably a pipe dream, as a fractured Republican party would have difficulty winning any elections without major election reform (do away with primaries, popular vote only, etc)

Comment Marketshare in China != Success (Score 0) 601

Eliminate all Chinese phones: where does Android stand then.

Here's my point: if iOS were easily pirated, 90% of China's smartphones would be iOS, not Android. China doesn't care about open source, "walled gardens" (think about the irony), or which corporation is evil. After all, what's more popular in China on the desktop: Windows or Linux? Windows is on every PC, only it's pirated. I promise that were it possible, it would be no different with iOS.

Comment Re:As a developer, usage matters to me (Score 1) 601

Indeed: I think the metric shouldn't be number of iPhones v. Androids, but rather, number of iPhones vs. Android phones with Google Play. A smartphone without a great app experience is more of a cleverphone, losing much of it's value proposition, both for the user and developers. That doesn't even get into the idea of whether Android users are less likely to spend money.

Comment So what about developers? (Score 1) 601

Let's say I'm going to spend the next 6 months build an app. Where do I put my energy? As the article says, most of the growth is in China. That's awesome for the Chinese people, awesome for the open source ecosystem, awesome for Google, and awesome for the handset manufacturers who are making those devices. For app producers, however, it's irrelevant if that marketshare doesn't reflect sales. Even if iOS becomes niche (which I think is likely), it seems to be the best place to put make investment.

I do think the development story is improving with Google Play and Amazon/BN's proprietary stores, but I believe that most devices making up the bulk of the Android market share are low end devices without those marketplaces. (Play is *not* part of the operating system) The more I think about it, I think iOS vs. Android matters less than Apple AppStore installs/instances vs. Google Play vs. (other app stores)

Comment Bad businesses (Score 4, Insightful) 421

Too little innovation, too many apps like "Mobile photo sharing - FOR CATS!"

The funding game is dying, slowly. The future is in the 37 Signals and GitHubs of the world. (Both took funding I believe, but only after they were profitable : if the VC is how you keep the lights on, you're doing it wrong) Even more significant are the bootstrapped startups, the 1-4 person operations, that make great products that actually solve problems. (In other words, the anti-Instagram)

Comment Re:This is a surprise or news? (Score 1) 348

Do you call it a Coke or a soda? Plus, for most of the personal computing age, the generic term PC or computer has typically referred to Windows/DOS machines. If someone is running a different OS, they've been taught to differentiate it for years. Most Linux users I know don't generically refer to their computer: they're quick to point out what they run.

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