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Comment Re:The Price You Pay (Score 1) 352

Wait - you mean BOTH parties have to be in agreement for a contract to be valid? Every time I click "I agree" on an EULA a company representative never comes to my house to pick up my modifications to the terms of service - despite it clearly saying that they need to do this in the copy I provide for them. I also reserve the right to modify these terms from time to time. The fact that they allow me to agree despite my modifications implies that they consent to the amended terms of service. Because a contract is between TWO parties.

Comment Re:Headline is misleading (Score 1) 325

Why such ridiculous requirements in the first place?

Because it's not just "rights", it's "rights and responsibilities". Just because you have a driving license and have the right to drive on public roads, you have the responsibility to obey traffic laws, keep your vehicle in good repair, etc. You can argue all day that speed limits are ridiculous, but they exist for a reason and they apply to you regardless of skin color, religion, political view, sexual preference etc.

Comment Re:Thanks to S230 you can post just about (Score 1, Insightful) 325

loads of hard right sites are able to get commercial hosting.

Guess you missed the bit where the founder of Gab got all his card processing abilities pulled by banks and then Paypal et al, and then lost his personal bank accounts too. Because some people in finance happen to disagree with some of the stuff posted there so they blacklisted him as the owner of the site to try to get it shut down.

It's never really a big deal when someone gets blacklisted by a large corporation/cartel and loses things that you and I take for granted - right up until the moment it happens to you.

Comment Re:Headline is misleading (Score 1, Insightful) 325

They can do whatever the fuck they want.

No one is arguing this. But with rights come responsibility. If they appoint themselves as censor, then they inherit responsibility for the content which they don't censor. A choice needs to be made - either they let anyone do as they like and cannot be held responsible for any content, or they censor and are fully responsible and liable for content. So far they've been playing both sides when convenient.

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