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Comment Re:I don't know what to think... (Score 1) 223

Maybe - just a thought . . .

  REQUIRE these 'social media' sites/services to carry a PROMINENT flag IN THE URL and SITE NAME
  - - - Management and Ownership does not insure accuracy or truth of ANY POSTS ! - - -

This would go a long way towards removing any form of validity to the brutally ugly trash being posted - and turn these 'businesses' into the actual "GOSSIP COLUMN" labeled type of back-biting and radicalizing industries they really are, posting for yellow-sheet flavored sensationalism only, with a VERY lose relationship to actual truth.

If they refuse to carry prominent notification similar to this, then they are implicitly lending credence to the posts, and SHOULD be held accountable for the posts' content.

Hell, /. should set the example and start doing this now -grin-


Comment Re:Don't you get tired of this? (Score 1) 123

Before we go accusing Russia of interfering with our satellites / shadowing our satellites - - - maybe we should find out what the X-37B has been doing all these years in orbit - hmmm?

Here's a quick run-down of fast-found sites worth a quick read -


That little autonomous mini-shuttle can remain in orbit for over 2 years, and is fueled for orbit-translation operations (changing orbits) - it just HAS to be checking up on the orbital hardware of everyone that has put anything into LEO trajectories.

cheers . . .

Comment Clearview AI Reports Breach of Customer List (Score 0) 14

Oooops! - Looks like we got hacked ! ! !

Guess this is a sure-fire way to 'leak' the database to dark web corporate insider 'friends', who can then MARKET the dataset - - - without fear of reprisal or legal consequences - - - - - a guaranteed WIN$$$ for management!

Got to give them credit for an ingenious strategy for 'getting out in front' of the lawsuits headed their way from privacy advocates.

Comment Re:I, for one, am ready to burn it all. (Score 1) 78

Never, EVER, pass up the chance to feed the data-whores false / misleading information - - - even if it is as simple as a free newsletter application form - mis-type your name / address.
Remember Lilly Tomlin's famous ma-bell skit - just briefly steam iron the punch card bill and it will cause the little holes to shrink a teeny, tiny bit - - - just enough to jam the card readers ! ! !

Sorry - a bit bitter nowadays. Been dealing with the VA for over a year on veteran health care.

Comment Cows Painted Like Zebras Attract Fewer Flies (Score 1) 118

Anybody want to bet that cows painted - with ANYTHING overall - like paint, whether black & white, all white, or all black - AND NOT JUST STRIPS / STRIPES in a pattern that doesn't completely cover the side of the hide, will attract fewer pests - BASICALLY . . .
because a full paint covering HIDES THE HIDE -lol-

Comment Re:I'm cautious... (Score 1) 91

Valid point - BUT . . .

By your logic, the 'bean-counters' win IF the projected civil/legal fines are less than the change-costs, then . . .
                just a glorious "fuck-off and die" to the poor souls that caught in the cross-fire between the 'customers' and the lawyers.

  or even better - https://www.spaceanswers.com/s...
                using 15+ PSI PURE O2 in a test that I KNOW was warned against!

    . . . or . . .

We can get to a realistic point - FOR THE front-Runner Explorers and . . .
    as NASA bigwigs went 'environmentally-friendly' and stopped using freon as a de-icer on the shuttle assembly.

AND we can celebrate the fuck-for-brains that used 'organic' material, instead of clay, for the barrel packing material - - - and saw it 'environmentally' compost, expand, and rupture the barrels of nuclear material - resulting in the shut-down of the safest nuclear-waste repository in the continental US - - - - - Yucca Mountain nuclear waste repository.

At least have the decency to commendate the brave souls willing to risk everything for the sake of pushing the human frontier, even in the face of riding on the vehicle that was built by the 'cheapest bidder'.

Comment Re:Whistleblower? (Score 1) 91

Agree to Disagree - OK? Hi. Ryzilynt

Subtle nuances in children's stories (SIMPLIFIED versions of Aesop's Tales) are often missed / overlooked.


OK. So it highlighted 'lying' at the end, still it was really about 'self-aggrandizement' - or "mirth"
        "to amuse himself at times"

Nice to have an intelligent rebuttal to my posts - grin

Comment Re:Whistleblower? (Score 1) 91

AND . . .
Somebody cries 'PROBLEM' (err, WOLF) and nothing happens.
Again another issue is brought forward - and nothing happens.
And again, for another issue.
These things get IGNORED because it costs too much to investigate.


Guess the WOLF got in - - - again ! ! !

Submission + - SPAM: The IceSat-2 laser mission

rickyslashdot writes: A real bonus for NASA, environmentalists, and Earth scientists.
A map of up-to 30 meter depths in the near-shore waters of the world is becoming available as the result of a serendipitous finding from the ICE-2 research satellite.

[spam URL stripped]...

[spam URL stripped]...

GO NASA ! ! !

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