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Comment Long time problem (Score 1) 400

This has long been a problem if you drive through different jurisdictions in one journey.

You get caught on five small towns' radars or speed cams between pee breaks. The tickets arrive in the post weeks later.

But the question of fairness is secondary to the finding of fact. To paraphrase an old criminal maxim: if you can't pay the fine, don't do the crime.

Comment Terrifying (Score 1) 43

We now have a robot that can remove our tires.

What hath we wrought!?

What when this thing escapes the lab and goes feral on city streets?

We puny humans may be able to guard our cars against this menace. But what of the self-driving Googlecars? They will be helpless against its stealth attacks.

We invented the wheel, we should not just give that up to the robots or it'll be Judgement Day all over again.

Comment Re:The difference between science and religion (Score 2, Insightful) 245

The Bible has been under continual re-interpretation.

Take any Bibical statement:
* don't eat shellfish
* keep slaves
* don't be gay

We can show fuzzy date ranges for which the statement was uncontroversally true through to it being considered symbolic only.

From that, we can scientifically predict the half-life of a Biblical truth. Thus, today:

* we do longer need to kill witches
* we don't really need to keep the sabbath holy
* gays are pretty much normal people to god now
* being wealthy no bar to heaven

And tomorrow? Just apply the Biblical truth half-life test to predict!

Comment Re:You get what you ask for (Score 1) 394

Voight-Kampff is a highly expensive and time-intensive way of detecting replicants, and may fail with Nexus 8 and above. What we need is foolproof ways of separating humans from xenomorphs of all types (including droids, mutants and intelligent shades of the color blue). If we don't spend megadollars on this, the non-terranists will have won.

Comment Re:Well this is happening in Sweden ... (Score 1) 978

Agreed. And more.

The average ad these days is some sort of script they they want to run on my device.

Any program I run on my device should have at least a certificate so I know the code has been verified by an independent authority,

And, as the script is running mainly for a third-party's benefit, I'd like to know that they are covering the insurance for any loss or damaged caused by their property running wild on my device.

Then I might sit back and watch the ad.

Until then, it's a wee too dangerous for me to consider.

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