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Comment The power brick (Score 1) 314

I vividly remember the incompatible power bricks with attached cables from Nokia, Sony, Motorola, Siemens. I have a box with those abominations dating back to last millenium.

And I remember that iPhone had a USB power brick from the beginning. I‘m quite sure that my first iPhone power brick is still working and maybe in use somewhere in my house.

Comment Re:I see mainstream is starting to catch up (Score 1) 290

> Maybe eventually this humanist nonsense will stop and we'll actually focus on working out the problems with green tech BEFORE deploying it at scale rather than demolishing old, working technology without having a replacement for it as was done in places like Germany.

Ah yeah, can you please elaborate on what currently is Germany's problem with "going green" from an engineering perspective - besides from Putin going nuts?

Comment Re:Other metals exist (Score 1) 290

> There are aluminum wires, but aluminum is prone to hair cracks under mechanical stress, creating a piece of wire with much less cross section,

We made a lot of progress in metallurgy within the last 50 years, but I don't think that we put a lot of energy :-) into improving aluminium alloys for electricity transport. So there may be a lot of room for improvement, at least compared to carbon nano tube stuff, which still is rare and bordering science fiction.

Comment Re:He says declining populations are biggest probl (Score 1) 74

The number of people bitching about land, water, and air while sitting on a comfy chair in a climate-controlled room with a fucking nonfat, no whip, no foam, three pump peppermint, one pump skinny mocha quad venti bullshit coffee at their elbow without even a hint of irony is mindboggling.

Nobody would put so much energy into making up two lines describing this kind of coffee - I bet you either consume or serve this kind of "beverage" :-)

Comment Re:Charlie Brooker is a hypocrite (Score 1) 33

Another champagne socialist railing against the injustice of the world yet at the same time taking his series away from the UKs Channel 4 which is a public service broadcaster available free to air in order to sell it to netflix for a fortune.

As a smart person of honour you wouldn't write your comment if you weren't in the know about details.
What kind of offer did Channel 4 make? I'm genuinely curious.

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