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Comment Devil's Advocate (Score 3, Informative) 110

Ok, so I just want to clarify here. I have no feeling one way or the other about this activity.

They are saying that there is no KNOWN benefit to this practice and there COULD BE bad consequences.
So how is that different than saying that there COULD BE benefits but there are no KNOWN bad consequences?

Aren't they really just reporting "We don't know one way or the other"? Except, as usual, the reporting has a slant injected into it.

Comment Insulin Resistance (Score 1, Informative) 95

This is an engineering breakthrough. But we are still waiting on a medical breakthrough.

The real problem in diabetes is not limited to having the correct amount of insulin in the blood in real time. The problem that makes diabetes so hard to treat is that a person's cells develop insulin resistance, requiring larger and larger doses of insulin to break down sugars correctly.

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