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Comment TextBox (Score 1) 100

Notepad was traditionally a simple application designed to expose the standard Windows Text Box as an application.

The last time the standard Windows TextBox got new features was with Windows NT, where they added options to add Unicode Left-To-Right control characters to the context menu. Then kind of upgraded again with Windows 10 when Emoji support was added in there, with WindowsKey+Period to add emojis anywhere you could type text. They didn't render very well in a standard windows textbox though.

Comment Re:??bsbdsh (Score 4, Interesting) 105

I just read that the "SafetyNet" plugin for Magisk is now obsolete, and that people should move over to a different plugin called "PlayIntegrityFix". There's also another variation called "PlayIntegrityNext" which provides ways to use downloadable spoofed device fingerprints to get around device bans, but I don't need that feature.

Comment Re:guess what? (Score 4, Informative) 48

That has mainly to do with angles, and assembling the burger in a slanted way. The patty is placed further back, then the top bun is placed even further back, and the toppings are placed in front to make them film better. Ingredients are still real, but rather than a representative finished product, you're getting an illustration of the food item.

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