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Comment Stand up for the Wikipedia (Score 3, Interesting) 564

I am one of those who edits a page once a month. I have a few pages and topics a like and have added to my watch-list. Most of the reverts I see and do myself are plain vandalism. The remainder are punctuation and a bit of grammar.

I have had few cases of something I thought to be good being reverted. Recently on a page I added a few new facts that had been reported in the news, with citations. They where reverted by a moderator without a comment (I call that rude). After confronting him on his personal page, he argued that he could not read Spanish, therefore could not confirm my citation. Oddly, as I pointed out, the topic was a topic for which you absolutely need to be fluent in Spanish to read primary and secondary sources. Well, after a bit he got a moderator who could read Spanish to check my citations. But did not revert his revert, I had to do it myself.

Did this make me stop contributing to the Wikipedia. NO! It is our duty to confront such morons until they give in.

Comment Re:from TFA (Score 1) 921

I am with you, I should have asked what proof he had, instead of assuming there was none. On the other hand, he could just have given it to start with... But the study is in no way useless. It is a peer reviewed meta study (highest form of scientific proof) that shows conclusively that there is no significant difference in nutrients between organic and non-organic food. I find that useful, as one prominent argument in favor of organic food is, that it was supposedly more nutritious. That has been shown to be wrong.

Comment Re:from TFA (Score 1) 921

I don't get your point here, but maybe we are on the same page. If you want to answer the scientific question "Do organic foods have more/same/less nutrients than non organic grown food?" then you pick one variable and test both types of food. This is what the studies in this meta study did. Each study chose one nutrient and check if it was present in both food types. As far as this metastudy goes, there is no significant difference between both.

Comment Re:from TFA (Score 1) 921

I seem to have hit a nerve. The parent insinuated that the study was paid by "corporate interests", provided no proof for his claim. It is just clear that the parent poster has no clue how organics are produced, as most are produced by, guess what, corporations. This tends to be the argument of conspiracy theorists on the side of organic foods. To answer your questions: I don't know where you get your facts? Here a quote from the article.

This research was split into two separate parts, one of which looked at differences in nutrient levels and their significance, while the other looked at the health benefits of eating organic food.

It states clearly that both nutrition AND health benefits where studied. It does not exclusively look at nutrition. Check the actual study, they state to have tested: vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, total soluble solids, titratable acidity, copper, iron, nitrates, manganese, ash, specific proteins, sodium, plant non-digestible carbohydrates, -carotene and sulphur.

Yes, I usually hear people argue for organic on only one level. It is supposed to be healthier than normal supermarket food. I guess you want to argue nutrition != healthy. But that is not what the study focused on. From the article:

Our review indicates that there is currently no evidence to support the selection of organically over conventionally produced foods on the basis of nutritional superiority.

Whats to argue against that? It leaves everything else open: you can argue that organics have less pesticides, taste better, no chemical enhancers or what ever other claim not tested by this study. But that is how science works. You single out ONE variable, keep everything else constant, peer-review, publish. I see nothing strange here, especially something that would point to the study being paid by "corporate interests".

why would you engineer the study to avoid accounting for the very factors that make the products attractive to them?

Where do you get the impression that someone was "avoiding" dealing with any other factors. It is just the nature of the beast, that you have to choose ONE variable to do a study, and these scientist chose nutritional value. I am pretty sure there are copious studies on how organic food contains less pesticides. I still don't see how choosing nutritional value makes you think it was paid by "corporate interests"? The actual title of the study is "Comparison of composition (nutrients and other substances) of organically and conventionally produced foodstuffs: a systematic review of the available literature". "Organic 'has no health benefits'", that was title of the BBC article. I also find that article overly simplistic, but that is modern news reporting style, but don't read that cynical slant you report. And on your last comment

I do not disagree with its outcome nor its methods

How can you disagree with the outcome? Organic foods have just the same amount of nutritional value as non organics. That's a fact based on this study. Again, I see no reason to think that for this reason it was paid by "corporate interests"?

Comment Organic Food Myths (Score 1) 921

Your argument does not fly with me. The study is clearly useful, as most (not you, of course) argue that organic is better for your health. It shows that there is "currently" no clear health benefit. Future studies might show this to be wrong, but for now this if scientifically accurate. Check out this podcast about Organic Food Myths, including that organic food is "good" for the environment...

Comment Re:Main benefits are to the environment (Score 1) 921

I agree with you on the personal myth debunking... but how does organic farming benefit the environment? Most information I have found, is that organic farming uses significantly more space to grow the same amount of product. This in turn means, that if everyone where to switch to organic foods, then we would need more agricultural square kilometers, which would in turn have to come from undeveloped or otherwise used space. So if you, like I do, hate deforestation and the real impact on the environment, then organic should not be for you. Organic food seems short sighted to me.

Comment Re:Random vs Heuristic (Score 1) 847

Evolution is defined as natural selection of random mutations.

In biology, evolution is the change in the genetic material of a population of organisms from one generation to the next. ( Wikipedia)

Once our society begins selecting and/or rejecting offspring based on their genes, or we begin manipulating our genetic codes, evolution stops.

I think you are mixing up natural selection with evolution. Natural selection is part of evolution but not equal to evolution. Genetic drift is an alternative as is artificial selection and sexual selection. I am not sure if there is an "official" definition, but I would argue, that screening of embryos is as much a part of evolution.

Comment Re:Major side benefit (Score 1) 263

Strange, you compare the EU with to the USA? The EU doesn't even have a constitution or a democratically elected president. Currently it's just a NAFTA on steroids. Taking into account, that France has nukes, I would argue that they are quiet powerful. And what is the "obvious" reason not to give Germany a permanent seat?

Comment Re:Makes you wonder (Score 1) 388

But they don't need to be out of sight or ear shot, you just put them in a place that's noisier and uglier than windmills. Along motorways, for example. And that's something that Germany has a lot of. No idea if they actually put them there, though. Much of Germany is probably too hilly. Along the coast is more efficient, but Germany is rather short on coastline.

yes, I actually remember where the fixed speed traps are by what kind of windmill is near them. Most of the wind is generated in the flat north.

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