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Comment Re: You little fudgepacker. Do me in the blowhole. (Score 1) 51

Propellent is the thing being kicked out of the back of a rocket to make it go. In a chemical rocket, the propellent is usually the exhaust of the fuel, (hydrogen + oxygen = water, kerosene + oxygen = co2 + some stuff, hydrozine + itself = a bunch of hydrogen and nitrogen diatomic molecules)

For chemical rockets, the exhaust is a gas and HOT, making it expand and blast out of the rocket nozzle.

In an electrical rocket, electricity is generated somehow and the propellent mass is usually something inert like Xenon. Turn it into ions, and use the electric field to kick it out of the rocket at high velocity.

Comment Re:Interesting stance (Score 1) 265

I haven't seen anyone quite crack this nut well yet but there is an obvious alignment or synergy (ugh I hate this word) between hydrogen energy and clean water production. Not just potable water but PURE water.

I suppose Coke has had enough trouble making distilled water into useful drinking water with Dasani. But if we could figure out a way to make industrial quantities of distilled water cheaply enough, I am sure we can figure it out. :)

Comment Re:Interesting stance (Score 2) 265

No, the reason your "anti-capitalists" hate hydrogen is because it is mostly produced by refining oil.

If we could get some kind of fusion baseline to generate enough electricity to produce enough hydrogen for current needs, much less using it as a fuel, we would probably have cheap enough electrolysis desalination process to fix our looming drinking water problem.

Comment Re:Citations (Score 1) 212

That seems to be standard practice for Wikipedia disinformation.

1. Put false information into a wiki page.
2. Dupe/Pay an online publication to write an article repeating this false information.
3. Use article as source on original page.
4. False information successfully alpha-locked.

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