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Comment The language is too unstable (Score 3, Insightful) 341

Rust's whole concept of an unstable language is terrifying to me as a developer.

I don't want to have to get the latest nightly/unstable version of a compiler ever. In fact, unstable is exactly the opposite of what I want from my compiler or my language specification.

I know that Rust maintains good backwards compatibility. But after two or three rounds of adding "the new hot way to do something", older tutorials and libraries effectively become obsolete/stale. And this can make the language look like a constant treadmill to an outside observer.

If the Rust team wanted to encourage broader adoption, I'd recommend:
  - Freeze the language for a few years.
  - Deprecate the concept of unstable and nightly versions of the language and compiler.
  - Expand the packages available in Linux distributions. Using Cargo to download everything feels too much like npm, and is vulnerable to authors taking down their packages.

Comment Re:Good business until the gouging is shut down (Score 3, Informative) 77

So the toilet-paper situation is actually a little bit more subtle than you'd think.

It's true that toilet paper usage per-person hasn't changed as a result of quarantine. But the _places_ where TP is used have changed.

Instead of spending half your day outside the house (where you're using work TP, restaurant TP, coffee-shop, etc), you're doing all your pooping at home. And chances are you don't buy TP though the same supply-chain as your local restaurant or office complex.

Supplier agreements/logistics don't change overnight. A TP manufacturer typically makes many different kinds of TP, packaged in different ways. And the distribution channels are completely different.

So what we wind up with is a huge surplus in the business-to-business TP supply line, and a huge shortage on consumer TP.

Eventually these can (and will) equalize out. But it takes time - and the consumer shortage isn't purely caused by hoarding.

Comment Phases of a year (Score 5, Interesting) 126

I think we all agree - it's hard to argue that the stars control our personality.

Now with that said, you could absolutely argue that some of your personality comes from when in a year you're born. hink about the things in our society that are cyclical around the solar year. School years, holidays, vacations. Seasons too.

If you were born just before the beginning of the school year, you're almost a year younger/smaller than your classmates who were born just after the beginning of the school year.

If you were born near Christmas, you probably got stiffed on gifts because you got combo christmas/birthday presents. If you were born in the summer, fewer friends might be around to attend your birthday parties.

So do the stars affect our personalities? Nah probably not. But maybe our brithday does.

Comment Why doesn't Congress just approve the budget? (Score 4, Interesting) 664

Congress can end this shutdown without the president's support or approval. They can pass a budget bill, and send it to the president. If he vetoes it, they can vote to override the veto.

I don't understand why more people aren't holding Congress to task on this. They literally don't need the president's buy-in at all to get a budget passed.

Comment HTTPS is centralizing the internet (Score 4, Interesting) 268

I'm all for encrypting web traffic, but this push for HTTPS-everything is kind of terrifying. It puts us in this dystopian future where we rely on CAs to decide whether or not we can visit a website.

If a couple of CAs decide (or are told) to revoke my cert, there's literally nothing I can do about it. And all of a sudden my website is inaccessible to 90% of browsers, and there's nothing I can do about it.

I would happily support some kind of peer-to-peer encryption scheme (HTTPS with no CA, maybe). But centralizing everything through CA gatekeepers is just asking for a government to butt in.

Comment Other jokes (Score 5, Insightful) 522

There are other jokes/easter-eggs in Glibc's documentation. I get a kick out of them every time I run across one.

Should we also go through and strip all of those out? What if I decide that EIEIO is insulting to farmers? Who decides what's a trigger-warning and what isn't?

Should we remove HTTP error 418?

The UNIX/Linux hacker subculture of the 80s and 90s produced a ton of interesting technology, and arguably shaped the internet into what it is today.

I don't want my operating system to be a sterile, soulless entity. I like the in-jokes, the fact that 'fortune' exists, and the recursive acronyms. People have poured their vitality into making tools that are free for the world - the least we can do is let them express a sense of humor if they choose.

UNIX cultureLinux/UNIX is born from a really unique, amazing kind of culture, which

Comment Not quite (Score 3, Informative) 156

To be clear, we don't have a computer that can survive on Venus, or anything near that. What the research team made is a ring-buffer, which is a collection of maybe 20-30 transistors arranged in a big circle (with one inverter).

That's a very far cry from even an Intel 8080, which is approximately 4500 transistors. And that's without any RAM, Flash, or anything else. This is an impressive milestone to be sure, but it's nowhere near an Arduino (let alone a full computer).

Comment Re:The futuer of computing: RISC-V (Score 2) 83

They did!

The board uses a Freedom E310 RISC-V microcontroller. The PCB size and connector layout is the same as an Arduino, and also there is some software-compatibility with Arduino's programming environment. But it's definitely not ARM based.

What makes this so interesting is that the instruction-set (RISC-V) is free for anybody to implement, and has growing academic support.

The E310's RTL source-code is also open-source and freely available, which means you could implement your own version on an FPGA or approach a chip-fab if you wanted to build a lot of them.

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