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Comment Re:Land of the Free (Score 1) 559

The rational decision is to eat the food we have been eating for millennia and leave the experiment to the progressive guys like you who think corporations are acting in people's best interest.

Good luck finding in the supermarket any food that have been eated for milennia. All food have been modified during the centuries trough mutations and selective breeding. If you happen to find a supermarket that sells this kind of food, I hope you enjoy your bananas

Given the consequences of eating bad food, it's like knowing whether the piano teacher of your daughter is a sex offender with tastes for younger people.

We don't know any GMO was harmfull to humans. I would say that putting GMO label on food, is like putting a "possible sex-offender" label to the piano teacher, because he has a cousin who is suspected to be a sex offender.

Come on guys! We are suppossed to be nerds pro-science and technology. Puttng a fear mongering label on foods is not logical. If you are worried about Monsanto Glyphosate herbicides, then put a label that says if that herbicide was used or not. This is not related to GMO foods. It is just another case of herbicides and pesticides.

GMOs have saved many lives, by producing cheaper medicines (like insuline) and increassing supplies of food. If we think regulations for approval of GMO foods are not strong enough, then push for legislating tighter rules.

By putting a GMO label on foods you can make the same informed decision as if the food had a label saying that the president of the company is Taurus.

Comment Re:Land of the Free (Score 0) 559

What an informed or rational decision can a consumer make with a GM label in foods? If there ere any scientific prove these foods may be dangerous, they would be prohibited by governments.

What's next? Putting "GAY" and "JEW" labels in people so we can make an informed decisions who we relate to?

I do not like Monsanto procedures and patents either, but this not make me support irrational legislation.

Comment Can some mobile developer enlighten me? (Score 1) 596

I usually hear some critics about Android. Mostly in 2 areas. 1) Fragmentation. Both in device hardware, and OS versions. It is difficult to develop for Android because there are too many variants 2) Piracy. Android is too open. It is too easy to pirate software on Android.

How is this different from the PC software market? There were many companies who succeed in the PC software market facing the same problems. From Microsoft, Adobe, Steam, and many small independent developers. Like Humble Indie Bundle and more.

Comment Re:Yeah, so what? (Score 5, Insightful) 484

I've never understood this concept, that moral rights only apply to American citizens. May be I am not smart enough to grasp the idea.

It seems to be Ok to kill any non-american without due process or self-defense. Even to kill anyone including (or around) his family/kids. It seems also fine to detain and torture foreigners for an undetermined amount of time as long it is done outside USA soil.

Can someone explain it to me? Does it mean, for example, that I can own a slave, as long is not American?

Comment Sterile seed!!?? (Score 1) 377

Monsanto designed these seeds to be sterile, ...

I can't believe this post was moderated "Informative".

The seed are not sterile! Are perfect fertile seeds Else they would be useless.

Why farmer will buy sterile seed? Why Monsanto will prosecute farmers who re-used his sterile seeds without paying royalties?

Comment Compare with Eric Schmidt's words: (ex Google CEO) (Score 1) 500

Ex-Google CEO, Eric Schmidt, gave some contrasting statements in the past. See: Privacy Worries Are For Wrongdoers.

On related subject Facebook is one supporter of controversial CISPA law project.

Google is by now means perfect, by I still trust then more than the alternatives.

Comment Re:In perspective (Score 1) 380

The problem I see with your argument is that we are not doing any real space exploration. We are not sending people to mars, or building a moon station, or mining asteroids. We are only doing recreational travels to low earth orbit.

I am sure that there are many people who would accept risking their lives in other to set foot on Mars. Unfortunately it seems we are retreating from Space.

The Earth will inevitably perish. If not by our own actions, or by some tragic natural disaster; the Sun will simply die out. To have a chance to survive we must face space exploration.

Carl Sagan reminds us why we need Space Exploration

Comment Not all developers agree with you (Score 1) 614

It seems not all developers agree with you. See Android vs iOS: A Developer’s Perspective

"... the equation for me was surprisingly tilted in favor of Android thanks to the simplicity of developing for it. Having gone through the process, I have a clearer understanding of Google’s strategy: I think they hope to win because their platform is so much more developer friendly"

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