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Comment Re:Taxing is not going to fix the problem (Score 1) 470

Except, who gets the $0.05 when you fail to recycle the bag? Atlantic Canada did something similar with aluminum pop cans, but allowed the bottling company to keep half of the deposit for cans that were never returned. Almost overnight, they stopped producing the more environmentally sensible, refillable glass bottles because they simply made more money off of lazy people who couldn't be bothered to recover the $0.05 by recycling their cans.

Comment Re:Bullshit! (Score 1) 433

Don't know about you, but I do just fine with zero hands on the wheel. On a straight stretch of highway, with good alignment, I can drive for miles without ever touching the steering wheel. In fact, I'm pretty sure I could drive the same highway while asleep. But, people should keep both hands on the wheel (as much as possible) for the obvious reason:
You can't react as fast or as well. If something unexpected happens, having both hands on the wheel and being conscience both greatly increase your ability to perform emergency maneuvers.

There are very good reasons to take one hand off the steering wheel: turn signals, transmission, using any of the car's features that are meant to be used while driving such as cruise control buttons. They all increase your risk of accident, but are all necessary in some way. Just driving around with one hand permanently off the steering wheel for no good reason is irresponsible.

Comment Re:On injuries and damage (Score 2) 409

3000 apartment buildings need new windows, and you think they can be replaced in "a couple of days"? If each building has 100 windows, then it's 300,000 windows to replace. I don't know how you think windows get replaced, or manufactured, but it takes about 1 man-hour to replace a small window (maybe 20 minutes if you don't care about damaging the walls or cleaning up the old window). 300,000 windows = 300,000 man-hours of work. To accomplish that in 2 days would require over 6,000 people to be working on it for 48 continuous hours. And that's not even taking the manufacturing of the windows into account. This will take months to completely replace the windows.

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