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Comment Re:guess business users will go back to IE...... (Score 1) 644

"business users" should die out.all those arguments they are still spouting off evaporated the past decade. "there is a large corporation behind it to fix security holes", now we have seen how well this played out.

the only reason would be that if something goes wrong, as it regularly did, management can believably blame another management, that is microsofts. of course there was a hefty price to pay, maybe we will see someday some charts that quantify what microsofts ie6 dominance has cost the web in terms of hindered evolution and millions of manhours to make stuff run on it.

it seems "business solution" is rapidly becoming synonym with overly expensive, inflexible, often braindead... but backed by other businesses. if trying to get something done is the name of the game, looking to "business" for a good solution is... optimistic.

Comment Re:Is Julian Assange blacklisted? (Score 1) 260

Please. A chance at a better beginning by destroying the infrastructure and society as a whole? Almost makes me hope that you experience this kind of "chance" yourself. Both peoples were FAR better off before the USA intervened. It's a shame that your kind of argument is brought forth at all. It's such a blatant example of lying into ones own pocket it almost makes me weep.

Comment Re:Democracy and Responsibility (Score 1) 260

That's why people are against wars und do not want to wage them needlessly. War is hell, yes, and it becomes even more frustrating when a populance has been tricked into supporting a war that is so far from a good cause I'm lacking an analogy.

Waging imperialistic wars is teh shit, and a populance that supports it is rightly seen as the shitheads of this age.
In a way there are certainly worse shitheads, but what makes the US-shitheaddom particularly insulting is that the american ideal was something for the whole world to aspire to, human rights and freedom and all that. Having betrayed that ideal makes it so much worse in my book.

Having the word freedom on gitmo is more than a casual reminder of "arbeit macht frei" and the perverse reinterpretation of certain words and ideals to suit the exact opposite.

The world could, right now, be a lot farther ahead to a utopian society if the USA wouldn't have decided to betray their own foundations. Two needless war not being fought, all this terrorism-scare and tightening up and loss of personal freedoms not happening - I'd certainly say that this would be a better world to live in. Having to argue that with people who learn in schools "debating-skills" for the sake of debating, where it's almost a free choice which side to take and which points to make, doesn't make it much better for me.

Comment Re:Then again, this is from (Score 1) 210

So why not do it yourself?

It was Assanges ego that brought us wikileaks in the first place.

I'm quite with you about wikileaks being an important organisation and all, but Assange took it upon himself to actually see this through. I for one wouldn't feel so comfortable with US agencies getting interested in my whereabouts.

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