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Comment Re:Offering, not forcing (Score 1) 230

Currently Firefox ONLY supports hardware tokens, and Google throws that nondescript error if you try to set it up without the token plugged in first. If your token is plugged in it should prompt for the pin and then store the passkey, however Firefox does not prompt for the pin every time so it only mostly works. Other browsers provide more options like a QR code you can use with a phone, and Firefox is working on them.

Comment Re:Insecure by design? (Score 1) 230

If you mark your keychain as shared or not affects the way it is stored and the keys used to lock it down. It's actually documented quite a bit in their Keychain Security documentation.

There is a potential threat using Keychain Recovery. Less so from Apple or a court order given to them. Keychain is stored in such a way that Apple themselves cannot access it, unless they are lying.

See also: https://support.apple.com/guid...

Comment Re:NO! (Score 1) 230

It supports 2-step authentication, their passkey support is nearly there but not 100% for hardware tokens (it never prompts for the token pin).

Firefox does not yet support the QR-code passkey option for people to use with their phones, so Thunderbird cannot either. Thunderbird oAuth still works fine if you tell it you want to use a password.

Comment Re:NO! (Score 1) 230

You can register multiple passkeys. It's usually a good idea anyway in case you lose one. Password is also still there, you just hit "Log in a different way".

They can be hardware tokens, stored in the secure enclave on a cell phones (locked behind PIN or biometrics), computer using something like Windows Hello, or password managers like 1Password or soon to be Bitwarden.

Comment Re:Road Trip (Score 1) 314

So, everyone is saying "call roadside Asst.".


That means now they are assuming/requiring that everyone join and pay for a AAA membership because they won't put spares in cars anymore?

Note quite, the dealers often have their own roadside assistance that costs more than AA/AAA/CAA (depending on where you live)

This doesn't do much good if you happen to get a flat out on the highway away from the bigger cities and maybe don't have good cellular signals.

I've never had AAA....wonder how much extra I'm gonna have to now pay for that annually?

AAA is not expensive, but you are right. If you are going someplace remote, plan for it. And those plans had better include an actual jack that will take more trunk space than the piece of crap they ship with the car.

Comment Re:Road Trip (Score 1) 314

The jacks that come with many ICE cars are a joke anyways. I will never forget trying to change the tire on my friend's BMW only to have the jack fail. In the end I called road side who pulled out a real jack, fixed the tire and then asked "Why even bother trying to do it yourself?"

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