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Comment Re:Yeah, Google concerned with privacy. (Score 2) 105

My poor attempt at sarcasm failed, because I'm with you. Boats above a certain length are required by the USCG to carry an AIS transponder. They're even popular with smaller boats because, guess what, it's nice that when you call out for help, people can locate and identify your boat easily.

There is no problem here, accountability is not an invasion of privacy.

Comment Yeah, Google concerned with privacy. (Score 4, Interesting) 105

"American communities would not accept this type of surveillance of their deliveries or taxi trips on the road. They should not accept it in the sky."

Yeah, like a license plate that is readily readable by anyone else sharing the road with such a vehicle — or an observer watching the vehicle pass by.

Google likely doesn't want this because they don't want people to constantly see Google Drones overhead taking pictures, watching people, mapping wireless, etc

Comment Re: Says bloomberg (Score 1) 497

Thanks for the businessinsider article — I look forward to digging into the analysis by NY.

Question, as I haven't read the document — does this account for those retiring from high-tax states (NY, CA, etc) and retiring to low-tax states (TX, FL, etc)?

Since Medicare / SSI is about 1/3 of the NY example, if enough people fled the high-tax states to low-tax states, it would shift federal spending to the low-tax states.

They should provide the same analysis but excluding direct payments to individuals.

Comment Re:If you are going to advertise you need to pay. (Score 2) 108

If Twitter did this and paid the City for the rights to do such, to help pay for overall street cleanup, or offer some services, then fine. Otherwise it should be illegal, and considered graffiti because it is just like Spam Email. Just a one way form of advertisement.

It's freaking chalk. The next time someone vomits or pees on it, it'll disappear. Paying the city for this would be like SF charging someone for skywriting.

San Francisco — the city that steals your rights, and sells them back to you.

Comment Re:Indicative of General Attitudes (Score 2) 153

the problem with this stupid reply is it presupposes everyone from every generation is the same. The point of this article is that even this generations best and brightest aren't getting by in a way that will ensure they end up at the top of the system when they are ready to retire.

...and you're presupposing that the generation's best and brightest are these scientists. In my (personal) experience, the smartest people I know (both intrinsically and academically) opted to go into the private sector, not stay in academia and work for grants & peanuts.

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