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Comment Re:OTOH, US Law Enforcement could take a lesson... (Score 1) 178

That's it! I'll be writing in a "Corporate^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H Government Seizure Prevention" line-item on next year's budget request.

Seriously, though, is this really something we're willing to accept. I can perfectly rationalize a backup budget to hedge losses to hardware failures and the like, but the threat of becoming collateral damage in an IP shakedown? Why is that even a thing?

Comment Re:And meanwhile, in TN... (Score 2) 502

Oh really? The Qur'an would seem to disagree. http://www.religioustolerance.org/isl_qura.htm

Of particular interest

"O mankind! We created you from a male and a female and made you into nations and tribes that you may know and honor each other (not that you should despise one another). Indeed the most honorable of you in the sight of God is the most righteous."
Chapter 49, Verse 13


"God does not forbid you to be kind and equitable to those who have neither fought against your faith nor driven you out of your homes. In fact God loves the equitable."
Chapter 60, Verse 8

or maybe you'd prefer

"Be quick in the race for forgiveness from your Lord, and for a Garden (paradise) whose width is that of the heavens and of the earth, prepared for the righteous - Those who spend (freely), whether in prosperity or in adversity, who restrain (their) anger and pardon (all) men - for God loves those who do good."
Chapter 3, Verses 133-134

Terrible things have been done in the name of every belief, both religious and secular. I'd be more careful with the generalizations. They have a way have coming back to bite you. Or, you know, keep trolling.

Comment Re:Wires (Score 1) 813

I certainly don't mean to say that outages never occur with underground wiring. But the idea that they are "difficult to find and extremely expensive to fix" is hardly supported from what I've seen. Even with your 4 day outage, it's like you were one of many on the list of outages and just happened to be near the bottom. I know, anecdotal evidence, blah blah blah. Neither solution is perfect, but there are advantages to underground lines.

Comment Re:Wires (Score 2) 813

Have you ever actually encountered a failure in an underground line? The industrial park where my employer is located has mostly underground main feeds (13k volts overhead tends to make people nervous with all the large, easily snagged trucks moving through). We've lost power twice since I started here and finding the outage was trivial. Hook-up at the distribution box, take a reading off the line and it gives you the distance to the fault. Walk it down and dig. Both outages were fixed in a couple hours time each. No way you could sink a new pole that quickly.

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