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Comment Re:Easy fix (Score 2) 167

How do you expect society to function without fertilizer, plastics, concrete, steel and many more other irreplaceable ingredients of a technological society that require emissions to produce? Go without means mass starvation followed by extinction-level human casualties and subsistence survival for the remaining small percentage of the population.

If we just used oil for a feed stock and stopped burning it for transport and electricity we'd be fine, climate-wise. Same goes for coal if we just used it to smelt steel.

The food issue is thornier, because it's not just hydro-carbons: it's also water from non-renewable aquifers and phosphates from non-renewable mineral deposits. I think we'll have to worry about the latter two being exhausted long before the oil runs out. I don't think anyone's yet cracked sustainable farming at a level that supports the current wold population. So far I think our best hope is that the natural population decline that comes with industrialization shrinks the population enough that sustainable methods become tractable before those non-renewables are exhausted.

Comment Re:Easy fix (Score 2) 167

And yet....people are pushing us the hardest to curtail our modern lifestyle, do without or less....when we by far are not the worst.

It terms of carbon emissions per capita, we are around 14th-16th depending on whose list you look use at ~14.5T/person/year. Most of the higher per capita countries are middle eastern countries or small island nations which presumably lead us because they are mostly burning coal or oil. However, they are so small they don't make a huge dent in absolute terms. Because we have a lot of people, and because our per capita energy use is also very high, a small reduction per capita for us makes a huge difference world-wide. Australia and Canada are both right above us, having higher per capita CO2 output, but significantly smaller populations.

However, I don't think it should be on individuals to change their CO2 output. These are for the most part systemic issues and need systemic solutions that are out of the grasp of individuals to enact, but we know the general sketch of what it needs to look like: more renewables in the electric grid, electrify home appliances, emphasize rail shipping over trucking, build better cheaper and more convenient mass transit systems, etc.

Comment Re:These Laws Don't Prevent Parents From Parenting (Score 1) 159

I dispute that porn is harmful to a kid who is old enough to actively seek it out. Parents are just squeamish about talking to their kids about porn, about the distinction of the fantasy depicted there vs reality, etc. A well educated kid won't be any more harmed by porn than they will by other commercial media.

Comment Re:Apple Shareholders and Employees Jump In (Score 1) 139

You can put this in the users hand by prompting the user to validate the repair via the icloud app or website after a repair:

  1. Phone boots and detects a part with unknown serial
  2. Phone reaches back to apple and posts serial number and model # of part
  3. The user goes to icloud which will tell them if the serial is legit OEM part and whether it's been reported stolen.
  4. User authorizes the new part in icloud
  5. icloud sends a message to the phone telling it that the part is legit and it can bond to it permanently.

Comment Re:The bill text allows your proposal (Score 1) 139

What prevent thieves from wiping out the serial number? And what prevents repair shops from buying parts without serial number (or even with stolen serial number) and putting them into customer's phones?

Generally you would encode the serial number as a set of blown fuses on an ID chip on the part. Then you blow the master fuse that allows writing to the data fuses. Ideally pairing a phone with a new part would involve a free app that would accept the owner's icloud credentials + phone IMEI + new part serial number and would validate that a) the iCloud credentials own the phone and b) the serial number of the new part is legit and hasn't been reported stolen.

That would allow self repair and prevent theft or parting out of stolen phones.

Comment Re:Err... (Score 1) 292

Well, the way the legal system is setup is that it is on you to respond to the request and if you don't you lose by default. Most people don't have the money and resources to respond appropriately.

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