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Comment Re:Why So Serious? (Score 3, Insightful) 396

I've never understood why people get all shocked when someone uses a competitor's product

Maybe in this case people get shocked not because it's just a competing product but one that was deemed a "cancer" by MS itself? It's one thing to use a competitor product, it's another to use something you denounce as immoral.

Comment Re:They Saved The World (Score 1) 352

You gotta to admit though, killing of large portions of a nation's population is good way to move towards victory.

What's so morally supreme about the US defeating Japan that would made mass killing of civilians justifiable? I'd much rather not win the war than do so in such a manner. Japan couldn't do a thing. It was surrounded. It's air force destroyed. It's navy too. What makes getting a surrender from them so important to say, yeah, lets burn those cities?

Comment Re:McCarthy would be proud of you guys. (Score 1) 609

We were talking about the crimes of the various christian churches. Crimes actually committed by the INSTITUTION, and you mention a few good dids done by INDIVIDUALS, most of them not actual members of the church but just followers of the faith.

That's a fallacy if there's one... no, it was individuals doing wrong and right, and institutions and parts of institutions doing right and wrong. Wilberforce for example had the support of his church. Luther, was founding a whole new institution, so was Wesley, so was St Francis. The Jesuits on northeast argentina, paraguay, uruguay, they were an institution. I know it would make it simpler to just consider each good christian as someone in rebellion of all institutions, but history is not so simple as hate would make it seem.

Let's take the example of the Palotinos: THE WHOLE CATHOLIC CHURCH, AND THE ACTUAL VATICAN supported the military during the dirty war in Argentina, and you take the example of 5 guys that were against it. So, that somehow changes the position of the church?

The whole catholic church? The "teologia de liberacion", "opcion por los pobres", "tercermundistas" did not exist? There even were and are bishops and whole swaths of the catholic church in said movements. I agree with you that a big chunk of the institution was on the dictatorship side, but another big chunk was against. Btw, the palotinos were and are a lot more than the five killed.

Also, Newton was a christian because everybody was a christian back then.

That would be heavily contradictory with him writing more theology than physics. The fact that he did indicates that he wasn't just trying to fit in.

Announcing god's free salvation for man? There is no god, they are not helping people, they are brainwashing then. How is that good in any way?

You sound like instead of being an agnostic who cannot prove God's existence or non-existence has strong proof of Him being a lie.

God created man and saw it was good? Nobody created man, we evolved. Again, they were lying to people, and stopping the progress of science.

Well, a lot of us christians are happy reading and creating science. I'm sorry if that disrupts the belief that "science and faith are mortal enemies", but we'll keep doing both. Too bad. Should I be sorry that a lot of us don't have a problem with evolution and any other theory being taught? Should we play the "bad guys" to fit your cosmovision? Wouldn't that be a little "dogmatic" ?

Even if their life sucks they are loved by god and the church?

Maybe you want to go into their sad lives and tell them there's no love for them, I'll sure they'll apreciate.

See, that's what the church is for: Your life sucks, you pay 100% taxes, you are born poor and you will be poor until you die, but don't worry, after you die, god will pay you back? FUCK OFF, that's the speech the powerful use to keep the oppressed masses calm.

Once again, sorry that we are not doing our role properly. We'll stop doing what we are doing and will try to be the "opium of the masses" soon. Nah, it's better to tell people that because he created us all and we are all born in sin, then there's nothing inherently better morally in the rich than in the poor. Btw, John Wesley preached that in 18th century England and many in the nobility did not like it a single bit. That message was picked up by Wilberforce to fight against slavery. Oh the horror, how dare Christians say God loves man. And we should, tell them that they will be poor for life? Dude, people are managing to finish school in places where the biggest aim was to be a robber, because we told them than the loving God wants them to "straighten their paths so that what is twisted and broken is healed", and not only because we told them but because He supernaturally has worked such convictions in them, even while living in a place where a life is worth a dime. And yes, that "straighten their paths" is from the Bible.

Fuck you and your deluded, immoral religion.

If it were for people like you, one would think all atheists are intolerant and disrespectful. Thankfully, many aren't. I think your insults are undeserved and uncivilized.

Comment Re:McCarthy would be proud of you guys. (Score 1) 609

Sorry, I forgot - in religious arguments you're already claiming a victory, on the grounds that I'm a heretic, an apostate, a satanist or maybe even merely a misguided fool that would only see the light if I gave enough of my money to a pederast.

And in which part did I do that? I missed that part of the flick.

Comment Re:McCarthy would be proud of you guys. (Score 1) 609

Various individuals have managed to act outside of their church's remit and actually do good things.

So when a christian does a nice thing he necessarily does it outside of the church's remit?

If only someone actually knew what those were, instead of knowing what was decided a few hundred years later would be a good aid to fleecing the poor and the ignorant.

Wikipedia: canon

Comment Re:McCarthy would be proud of you guys. (Score 1) 609

with all of the USA's history, you've existed for roughly 200 years and you've been at war for that long.

I am not from the US.

It sounds fairly christian to me

It's quite the opposite of Jesus teachings.

The crusades, the biggest mass murder in history back in 1492

And those were the only two interesting things to happen in 2000 years of history. right?

No Fray de las Casas getting the "Nuevas Leyes" approved for the protection of indians, no missionaries of any kind putting their lives in danger for the oppressed and weak?

No Martin Luther telling people to go read the real thing instead of listening to the distortions of indulgence preachers?

No Albert Schweizer dedicating his life to healing and bettering the conditions of people in Africa?

No William Wilberforce denouncing slavery for like 50 years in the British Parliament and spending his money to free as many slaves as possible in the meanwhile?

No Church fathers struggling for children, the opressed and barbarians in the Roman Empire?

No St Francis trying to mend peace in the crusades and not giving two cents about Jerusalem, building the first nativity scene (as we do now), telling people that Jesus kingdom is about the hearts of men and not a piece of land?

No Casiodoro de Reyna, Cipriano de Valera, Wycliff, etc.. facing jail or having to escape their country, to translate a Bible, because they cared so much that people could know the word of the living God?

No Isaac Newton? No Blaise Pascal? No Michelangelo, No Giotto, etc...

No Obispo Romero giving his life to protect human rights in El Salvador?

No Palotinos giving their life in 70's Argentina

No Mauricio Amilcar Lopez founding an University, putting it at the service of the whole of San Luis, even creating a very early remote education/updating program, smuggling people of all kinds of beliefs and ideologies out of Chile into Argentina and later out of Argentina, staying behind to do that, before getting kidnapped and killed?

No Maximiliano Kolbe, voluntarily giving his life in exchange for that of another prisoner in Auschwitz?

No one today on some of the worlds poorest and saddest places teaching, loving, giving people hope, announcing God's free salvation for man, helping people to escape material and spiritual misery, telling them in words and actions that when God created them he saw what he had created and it was "good in great manner", that even if they are rejects to society, their family or whatever, they are loved by God and the church?

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