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Comment Re:They want devs to choose (Score 1) 711

The problem with this is that most of the multi platform mobile development kits were based around the iPhone API, because of the percieved goldrush for developers.

Macs may lose out on cross platform apps pn the desktop, but on mobile Android would be the loser. The Activity structure means that cross platform apps would have trouble integrating, and since Android runs on a JVM it is even less tolerant of further compatibility layers on top of that.

Also, it doesn't make devs choose. Someone will be working on an objective-C to Android-Java cross compiler as we speak

Comment Re:Unity3D not threatened. (Score 3, Informative) 789

No - that's where the doubt is; the Apple license refers to the language in which the program was "originally written". The most common interpretation of that which people are understanding is that it means "what the programmer typed". No matter what code generation process Unity used, there is no way of getting around the fact that the programmer typed C#/UnityScript/Boo, not C/C++/ObjectiveC.

Comment Re:Unity3D not threatened. (Score 2, Insightful) 789

This sort of misses the point - scripted game engines are critical to all game development these days.

Imagine Microsoft banning any companies releasing Unreal Engine games on 360, because part of the engine is acting as an UnrealScript interpreter, and the same game could be "ported" to PS3 easily. It would be ridiculous. Trying to ban Unity IPhone is ridiculous, especially when - at least in Unity 2.5 - the iPhone version is specifically optimised for the iPhone.

Comment Re:So wait Secondlife is a failure? So was Starcra (Score 1) 73

The problem with UGC is that there's a strict limit to how much work it's worth investing in it, because there's a such a high probability that your work will be lost in the mix.

Game makers know that they can hide this problem very easily, because they can advertise the best and most successful UGC. Nobody is going to complain about the UGC that was good but that no-one noticed because.. well, because no-one noticed it.

On the other hand, they can design around it. I'm thinking of Guitar Hero having an Achievement for uploading a track (aaarggh! That instantly guaranteed that the board is overrun with rubbish), or the first version of LBP where the only sorting of levels was by popularity. I remember seeing an actual post where someone said, "what's the point of designing a level when, even if you advertise it on boards, it'll get maybe 200 plays and never make the top page no matter what?" Second Life, rather cynically, is designed to make money from UGC whether it's noticed or not, and to make even more money from people advertising it.

Do I have a solution? Divide UGC-using users into smaller "groups" which can communicate within each other. The most popular levels within these groups are then promoted up a rung to greater visibility, and so on until the very top level where they're visible to all - but to download those top-rank levels, you have to pay with credits that you get from viewing levels within your own local group. The idea is to keep the small supportive communities, which often drive creation in these games when they're new, going. When this works, it works well: for example, in Second Life I've heard from many of the newer creators who've done well that they basically got into a group which supported and noticed what they were doing, which is great, but since it's not organised it's entirely a "right place at the right time" thing.

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