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Comment Re:And the response is... (Score 1) 259

I don't attribute much of that progress to any particular entity. Things were coming along great, and then the volunteer base grew. Some of that came because of Ubuntu, some because of Android, heck, some because of MacOS, or because of GIMP being ported to Windows, or because of offices full of OpenOffice (or StarOffice)...

The wide presence and marketing success of your Ubuntus is all well and good, when it's good. Once the company uses its product for evil, the PR success turns into a retroactive Bad Thing. I don't know who contributed the firmwares for how many wifi adaptors, under the auspices of which payroll (if any) - but, I know I haven't heard about Wine or Codeweavers, or the Kernel team, or any other consumer-Linux-focused companies, selling my desktop computing details to Amazon, being vindictive and bullish in interproject relations, etc.

The exception, of course, being Google, which made "all the world's information" its core product since early days. There is a difference in the level of expectations for a cloud-slaved device like a mobile, vs a desktop OS, and there's definitely a difference in expectations letting Google cloud your control, vs installing a Linux OS yourself.

So, every time I see Shuttleworth jock his way through the ecosystem, because he can after hitting a position where millions of Linux users are too Steve-Jobs-fandom'd about a purple logo to care where anything came from or means, gets me on my rantbox, yes. One need only look at Oracle's attempted actions over the past few years, or the feeble way Red Hat can't seem to decide whose side they're on sometimes, to see what people with corporate personalities like Shuttleworth are good for in this space.

And, yeah, when I see Ubuntu users make arguments thanking some greedy, dishonest corporation for decades of hard work from the FOSS community, I get mouthy about that, too.

Linux would be a registered property owned by IBM or Microsoft as of 1998 if it weren't for harsh criticism and willingness to verbally slap over the central principles that protect its status. Some douchebag like Shuttleworth could commit a crime against his users, and then Congress will go and conflate all Linux users as "victims" of this heinous breach of privacy (or whatever hypothetical) - and we'd have both him, and his uncaring, ignorant users to thank for the loss of the free software movement.

Ignorance and blithe brain-branded "I have it so whoever gave it to me is right" bullshit are about the only thing free software has to fear. I like to game, but it's not as important as protecting the existence and reputation of the stack.

Anger flame depowering. Apologies to all for any insulting tones, but insert Picard, "the line must be drawn here," here.

Comment Re:And the response is... (Score 2) 259

This is the kind of comment that earns Ubuntu so much of its scorn.

"Don't be such fucking ingrates," says a fan of the harmful ingrate upstart. As if Ubuntu would exist without the community it's constantly insulting, and now worse.

Just because you needed a lollypop drenched in chocolate before you would check out Linux, doesn't mean Ubuntu did jack shit for the (doing perfectly well before and after Ubuntu arrived, thanks!) global FOSS community.

Ubuntu polluted the user base with twits who think like Microsoft users. If anything, that's the biggest detriment we've ever seen. You people think you're natives and that anybody cares about the tripe you spout. You know nothing about how little Ubuntu did beyond marketing. You know nothing about how rabidly the majority of the community railed against so many of their Microsoft-like decisions. You don't know where it's all going, and you don't care.

You are a dreg with a mile of maggot-infested linen literally hanging out of your ass who is tracking shit on the carpet and knocking things over in our house, and you're calling us fucking ingrates while you do it.

I would say stop using Linux, but you can't now, because it's everywhere - thanks to Google, not Ubuntu.

You are on the wrong team and you are taking swings at people. Expect messages like yours to be responded-to as if you deserve the worst words have to offer.

Ubuntu is an enemy of the open source movement, and has been for several years.

Comment Re:stfu. (Score 1) 263

Posting to ruin my mod rights for this story because I meant to mod you up but my wrist slipped.

Seriously. I believe the US is guilty of many things, but this story is just brain dead hogwash.

Hey Europe: If you have better alternatives to US-based Internet tools, uh, fucking use them? Are you seriously enduring cross-Atlantic lag and sending money for subscriptions, services, and ad exposures/clicks to another country, and then bitching that we accept that money you voluntarily dished our way?

You... you want us to apologize for how awesome our ONE and ONLY area of ...not even dominance, just competitive viability... is?

Dude, as a Linux user speaking to a region which is so very FOSS-friendly as Europe... nobody's forcing you to use US websites. Ehrmegerd.

I guess even Europe grows village idiots who become politicians... lest we Yanks think we had a monopoly on that.

Comment re: What do you think? (Score 1) 277

I think it's hilarious every time people pretend Nintendo is down for the count and out of the fight.

As an outside observer (who watches journalistic sources like Gametrailers and Angry Joe, but not shills like Kotaku) I've noticed (and welcomed) how Nintendo is finally open to criticism. It's understandable that they were so beloved for so long that it took a while before anyone would deign honest reviews or criticisms.

But there we have it - the big N has finally hit a point where it's not viewed as being made of pure Holy Materia. That transition is huge and it might FEEL like a fall from grace, but it's more of a fall into grace.

In related news, the PC is still not dead ;)

Comment Re:Excellent. (Score 1) 283

Hmm, desperate North Americans having burned their global rep until their global rep burned them back... too defeated by destitution and low education that they eventually turn feral... their only higher brain function being the ability to barely maintain a shotgun empire founded on racism and paranoia...

Legit comment is SO legit.

Comment Re:another one? (Score 1) 283

I personally like ST:Phase 2 quite a lot. It's jarring seeing the cast change every episode, though...

All's I can say is, if JJ can make an alternate timeline, the floodgates are open. Send forth the Kirk clones.

Better yet, send forth the Picard clones. If any part of Trek canon needs to be forked from Last Known Good, it's TNG.

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