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Comment Re:Insurance is more for just your car (Score 1) 125

It insures you against property and personal damage to others which to me is the more important coverage in a litigious society like ours.

Yes, but the vast majority of the money paid out by car insurance companies is for damage to cars.

And, in response ot the GP post, the cost of repairing a car does not go down with age, although the amount the insurance will pay for a tortal write-off will.

Comment Re: somewhere in middle (Score 1) 85

hopefully no one will ever be dumb enough to trust him in such a scenario ever again. If they do.... well they deserve what they get.

You ar obviously unfamiliar with human nature. Some people are attracted to such fraudsters because they believe they can get on-side with them, and that a clever guy like Bankman-Fried is good to hitch up with. Especially if the fraudster and their lawyers have shown how clever they are with getting away lightly.

Rehabilitation is a joke - where I am it's being phoned by a social worker once a week and being told to read a Christina Rossetti poem.

Comment Re:Hmmmm (Score 1) 36

Nikon ... have been very laggard in the move to mirrorless format, with the likes of Fujifilm and Olympus driving most innovation.

Shame then that the camera division of Olympus went bust and they make cameras no longer. Their factories and existing designs were taken over in 2021 by Japan Industrial Partners, a finance company with many interests who use the name OM Digital Solutions for the camera division. What OMD holds for the future of that camera business, no-one knows.

In fact, Sony started the move to mirrorless cameras, which cost less to make than DSLRs because they do not have have the mirror mechanism or pentaprism : they have not become cheaper to buy though.

Comment Re:Work Remote (Score 1) 64

> Sounds like another USA viewpoint

Suburbia is spreading to Europe too... And some are built without public transport in mind.

Britain has suffered from suburbia ever since about 1850 (I think Britain invented it), and the public transport system around the major cities serves it quite well. Ever seen the map of railways around London? Or the bus routes? Even 30 miles out from the centre there is a railway station either within walking distance or a short car drive or cycle ride. I worked in central London for 20 years (while living 30 miles outside) and only drove to work twice in that time - that was to fetch home an old office chair and a bookcase. You have to be mad to drive into central London if you don't need to.

In fact, housing has tended to grow up around the railway lines - "Metroland" to the north-west of London is the best known example of this.

Comment Re:Work Remote (Score 2) 64

So you would move every time you change jobs? How does this work if your life partner works too, somewhere else? Even within a city: when I do go to the office, it's a 40 minute public transport trip, or 30 minutes in car (public transport is excellent here, I never take the car).

Sounds like another USA viewpoint, like most here. I have had different jobs in different parts of London and they all remained within reach of public transport from where I lived. A 40 minute public transport trip around the London area during the working day would be a 90 minute trip by car.

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