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Comment Re:What *exactly* do ebook publishers do? (Score 2) 181

One of the big things is probably marketing. I imagine most ebooks also have a dead tree version, and getting shelf space for those is quite difficult without a publisher behind you. Even in the digital world, letting people who would actually read the book to do so can take some effort and skills that an author doesn't necessarily have. Once an authors name is out there, sure... then they can sell books. Which is why publishers often sign multi book deals... for an insurance of ROI.

Comment Re:More to come? (Score 1) 197

It can even be considered a violation if a medical professional recognizes and initiates conversation with a patient outside of work. It's fine if the patient initiates conversation, but merely letting those around the patient know that you are a patient by coming and and saying "Hi!" can be a violation. However, I did hear this from people who work in more sensitive, potentially embarrassing fields; the risk of a friendly conversation being triggered as a violation is probably much greater from a proctologist or STD clinic worker than a family practice physician.

Comment Re:Annoying as hell (Score 1) 395

Yes, current voice based menus suck. I have no idea why they don't have a fallback to pressing numbers feature.

There's numerous use cases that I can think of beyond complying with the ADA. Getting a recipe while your hands are damp or covered in flour. Getting information while working under a car. A surgeon operating a computer while scrubbed in. Reading the serial number from the back of a computer out loud rather than memorizing a couple numbers, typing those in, remembering a couple more, going back and writing the whole thing down to find out where you messed up...

I can also think of numerous use cases where relying solely on speech recognition would be a terrible choice... in an office, loud working environment (factory, war zone, airport tarmac...) quiet working environment (library, recording studio, nature observation... and of course: espionage.)

Comment Re:I said 2. (Score 1) 334

There are many ways to reduce damage from grazing deer:

Fencing: this is usually the first line. The fences have to be fairly tall, but not necessarily all that sturdy. Often times using less visible fencing is the most effective, as the deer run into it and get startled rather than approaching cautiously. Remember, deer eyesight is focused more to the sides and they rely heavily on scent and hearing, so this isn't as ridiculous as it seems. Fencing really depends on the property, neighborhood, what you are willing to put into it, etc.

Choose plants accordingly: Many native plants are grazing tolerant. They may not be quite as showy as some imports, but that doesn't matter if the import is eaten down to the root. Some plants are even deer repellent. Look online, check your local university extension and ask at your local nursery for what plants grow well in your climate. Start thinking in the Alium family... Onions, garlic, leeks, chives, shallots etc should be left alone by deer and some actually have quite showy flowers. You can even use your onions and garlic grown in the garden to make a deer repellent hot sauce.

Use chemical deterrents. Many chemicals and substance can be safely sprayed on and around plants that deter deer: scented soap (irish spring, Murphy's oils soap and others) dissolved in water frighten deer because they smell like people, crushed chili peppers or capsacin extract, onion or garlic make the plants unpalatable. Predator urine: there are commercial preparations of the urine of many predators. Canids such as coyote, wolf of fox work the best, or alternatively just get a dog. Certain fertilizers deter deer including bone and blood meal. Milorganite should work wonders, but don't use it on food crops just to be safe.

Noise: Although deer eventually get used to noises if they find that they do not actually pose a threat, some proximity sensing devices work for a while to deter deer. Motion detecting lights would also help. Alternatively, get a dog. preferably a large dog that doesn't constantly yip but gives out a hearty bark when strangers approach. Most livestock and herding breeds would fit the bill nicely. The dog doesn't have to be out in the yard all the time, just long enough to make the deer wary. Although, you would have to want the dog for all the other reasons and understand the effort required.

Oh, and to get back to topic, my answer was "Do plants count?" And yeah, it's possible to get quite geeky on gardening. Especially if it crosses over to another hobby like making salsa/hot sauce, home brewing, photography or web design.

Comment Re:Download the damn thing (Score 1) 118

Ahh, It's not happening anymore. Heisenbug!

Or I'm missing something.... I'll be back

Ahh... now it looks like it's only videos embedded on other sites that do it. That would probably explain my account settings not being applied. I guess I can't really blame YouTube for that. I would have sworn that I also had this happen on directly, but either A) YouTube changed their behavior or B) human memory can be flawed. Pride makes me want to think that someone at Google read my post on here and instituted a change in YouTube's behavior, but reason tells me that likely my perception was simply flawed... some combination of logical fallacies with a smattering of confirmation bias would account for that. I guess there's also A.1) YouTube happened to change the behavior and I had nothing to do with it.

Anyway, Here is an example of it happening embedded on a link (generally video) aggregator site. Hit play, then pause. The resolution should be at 360p Wait for the video to completely buffer, hit maximize and it starts all over buffering at 480p. Only seems to happen with videos that have 720p and above available. Clicking on the video takes you to the YouTube page, and this apparently does not happen there. But, you will have to rebuffer... which doesn't really bother me unless I accidentally click the video rather than the maximize button, and I'm not going to blame YouTube for that. And

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