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Journal Journal: jqgrid

The jqgrid widget is very cool. Especially since it is jQueryUI theme supported. I wonder how similar the future jQueryUI grid widget is going to be to the jqgrid widget.

Journal Journal: Batch JS events 1

I wonder if there exists an example of a javascript application that will periodically access an API using a timer. When it accesses the API, it sends events that have accumulated during the current interval. Probably not all that feasible but nonetheless interesting to think about in terms of cutting down network bandwidth.

Journal Journal: Useless TuboGears KID errors

I love getting KeyError TuboGears/KID exceptions with no explanation. Just one more reason this framework will no longer be supported by me.

Comment Re:I believe almost every free software I use has. (Score 1) 241

It comes down to irresponsible end users. If they are able to successfully sue an open source developer for a bug is besides the point. If the end user cannot comprehend use at your own risk, they are in much deeper trouble and the resulting lawsuit victory will not help them in the long run. Submit a bug report and be helpful about it. With bugs in open source software you can become the number one enemy of the developer(s) you sue, or you could potentially be credited in the subsequent release. Seems like a no-brainer to me...

Journal Journal: Using Decorators For Web Controllers.

We are currently using decorators to expose Python functions as web controllers. This has proven to be a less than optimal practice. Especially when the controllers are part of the API for a resource oriented architecture. The resources should be exposed as Python class instances, not Python functions. These instances are the resources and the instances should support the HTTP interface.

Journal Journal: Twitter 1

Twitter is currently experiencing a denial of service attack. Glad I choose to express my thoughts on Slashdot.

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