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Comment Re:Nvidia drivers (Score 2) 93

Yeah, AMD needs to work on the compute side. OpenGL stuff and Vulkan is already pretty good. If they can finish the work in the compute side we can just kill off cuda and proprietary nonsense that Nvidia offers.

That way we can run the latest kernels when required or the RHEL certified ones with no extra administrative headaches.

Comment Astro Turfing Prior to Assanges Disposition (Score 0) 510

It is widely known, that the DNC wasn't hacked it was a thumb drive download by an internal DNC person. We now know what role the Ukraine played via a company known as Crowdstrike to support the assertion Russia hacked the DNC servers.

All of it is too protect a vast slush fund system various people use to push support to a country, and then get kick backs through various schemes.

Trump cut that money off, and since then every swap creature in the Black Lagoon of Washington D.C. has leveraged every charge on the books they can conjor (All proven to be fake with no due process) to stop the man from doing one simple thing:

1) Closing our borders and stop this nonsense of giving handouts to foreigners and instead through America First trying to put that money for American citizens, while at the same time opening new trade deals with other countries to re industrialize the US.

You idiots in California might want to pay attention since you have more people on the street and more illegals than any state in the Union.

Maybe you should kick the illegals out, and take care of the American citizen you stepped on the side walk on your way to your guilded job. More than likely it is a VET after being destroyed with PTS fighting for your freedom.

2) Lower TAXES.

Seriously. Taxes are too high and there are too many rats in local/state and federal government. Time to call on the Trump Mink hunter to get rid of them.

3) Finally, stop trying to tell people how to run their communities. People have the right to create their own communities and culture.

Take your Globalists nonsense that says everyone in the world has to obey us or else and our cultural guidelines and shove it up your ass.

Comment 11,000 Idiots Protecting their GRANT money/NGOs (Score 1) 395

If these people were really concerned about the planet, while driving around in their state funded TESLA's and luxury homes from grant money and NGO's, they would be advocating science solutions that are practical.

None of these are very planet friendly, all of them concentrate on human control and destruction, which is in my opinion is the goal here.

Anyone of these goals introduces nation against nation, people against people.

If we really cared about the planet, we would prepare to leave it.

We started down that road in the 1960's, and then after discovery, stopped dead. Very odd in and of itself.

Besides, in case you haven't noticed, consumption is already in massive decline in developed countries. We don't need man made solutions, mother nature is taking care of that herself.

Populations are contracting at a high rate. EU, US, Japan and now even China the population curves are heading way WAY down.

In fact if the Japanese don't start "getting busy" there is not going to be very many people left in Japan in 100 years.

THE INDUSTRY OF ADULT DIAPERS is booming, do your research and turn off the TV that is telling you you have to live in a cardboard box so that a select few can live like kings.

It simply is not true.

Besides we went through this same nonsense in the 1970's with a warning of a new Ice Age.

Comment Cloud Computing. IMHO (Score 5, Insightful) 41

The fastest and easiest way to conduct industrial espionage on thousands of companies, within a monolithic security infrastructure. Imagine if those companies would have all sorts of private data centers, staff themselves with different OS's, network designs.

That would be way too hard to crack both from a hardware/software end, and a human social engineering end.

Just my two cents worth, anyone think I am wrong because IMHO this whole cloud service industry shouldn't be storing anything of value.

The best application I can think of right now for anything cloud is Cat Videos.

Excuse me now, I am going to have to call Capital One, my attorney and check my credit to see if I suffered any damages....


Comment Boot of Tyranny ion Your Face (Score 2, Insightful) 232

Oh how lovely.

Give the masses just enough income so that they do not take notice of your ill gotten wealth and tyranny and rise up and hang you in your guilded enclave. We can not allow people to actually contribute to society, work and profit from their own endeavors and be independant could we?

Oh heavens forbid no!

Merry Xmas slaves and Happy New Year!

Comment Games and Rules (Score 1) 192

"One of the most mysterious and innovative figures in technology..."

Really? Who says and what new revolutionary break through in software did this guy or his company produce?

I have a different view.

How about you employee people in third world countries and use their labor to destroy the living standards of 1st world countries?

That is one of the tenants of Globalism.

It isn't innovative, and it certain isn't mysterious.

If it seems immoral, it is. Capitalism requires even rules for everyone on both ends, both Capital and Labor.

These people should be paid 1st world country wages, or their should be Tariff's on the labor.

Lets see how innovative and mysterious this guy is when he has to compete on a level playing field with everyone else.

Comment Communism (Score 1, Troll) 651

Human beings are required to work and be productive at something. If an economic model doesn't provide that outlet then psychological problems tend to happen such as, depression and suicide.

That is why it is a curse to have lots of money.

Sure it is fine for the first year or so, but then you become bored or you indulge in self destructive behavior.

So to avoid that an economic model should include everyones participation. So far, the best model we have is free markets coupled with a Republic/Democracy.

Nobody has found a better solution yet at scale.

The code of ethics, the oldest which is Judao Christian/Western ethics embodies this idea when it says you are not to covet they neighbors goods.

It implies you can own things, from the fruits of your own labor and keep them safe so you can plan your existence in a predictable way.

Without that, predictability is not something you can plan for and you have no control over, such as in Communism.

The state plans everything for you.

People have all sorts of faults of course. The largest one is, being lazy. The other is lust for power.

The majority of us, do not wake up in the morning with the first thing on our minds is how to control my fellow human begins. Most of us wake up and look forward to the work day and what sorts of things we can contribute or work for.

But obviously, those who seek power awake with the first goal on their minds to start their day, and this is a problem no matter what political or economic system you pick.

But Universal Basic Income basically makes the human soul rot. With a bribe everyday from governments, corporations or individuals who want to control you.

So you do not act, and restore your own destiny so they can live on their private little islands, or enjoy their "you can't fire me" government jobs.

While you and your kids live with no future.

Comment Make our own crap. (Score 1) 369

They told us we were too dumb to make our own stuff.

Then they told us that people are too expensive to make our own stuff.

Then they told us after automating the factory floor, making labor costs insignificant we have to have a monopoly or we can't compete.

I wonder what their excuse will be now why we can't make our own stuff?

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