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Submission + - Telescope Network Will Locate Sagittarius A* (newscientist.com)

schrodingers_rabbit writes: "Despite physicist's increasing focus on the small, a recently created network of microwave telescopes could soon quite literally shed light on relativity's elephant in the room- the black hole. According to New Scientist magazine, a network of microwave telescopes with enough power to view the black hole in the center of our galaxy, Sagittarius A*, could be completed in mere months. Although the network is not yet complete, a team led by Shep Doeleman at MIT's Haystack Observatory has recorded hazy, incomplete images very close to the quality required to prove the existence of the black hole. The existence of the black hole would further validate general relativity, which predicts a supermassive black hole or similarly enormous object at the center of the galaxy."
User Journal

Journal Journal: Random Lists

Funny Ways to Die, in no particular order
1.baptismal accident
2.run over by doctor
3.barely survive fight with wild animal, shoot it- and die of lead poisoning from the bullet when you eat it
4. human sacrifice
5.poisoned mac
6.Microsoft windows in finally cleaned up. Hordes of linux users smash into the newly cleaned surface, unable to see it.

Comment 1984 (Score 0) 156

All new technologies take a long time to start up. Internet voting saves paper, not to mention ballot counting time. The sheer ease of use for computer owners will make up for the high error potential- after all, who notices who runs our country? Besides the citizens. And the strongly US-linked international economy.

Comment This is news? (Score -1, Flamebait) 253

Scientists have falsified data since the dawn of scientific discovery. The real qualifier is for what reason. Inventing a completely bogus substance with obviously impossible properties and no proof is accepted, even lauded, when it shores up shaky Newtonian proofs in relatavistic physics, but when a a major corporation pays for it it becomes unacceptable. The only way to promote scientific integrity is to have private, biased companies fund all scientific research, so bad ideas are shot down by an angry scientific community. Of course, there is a chronic lack of ability in science to find the bad ideas...

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