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Comment Japanese culture aside, (Score 1) 385

...what is wrong with being sad? Why must we be happy all the time? Sometimes sadness is a natural response to the sad things in the world. If something is wrong, I don't want to pretend to be happy about it. Sadness tells us something is wrong, and motivates us to do something about it.

I understand employees are expected to smile more in japan out of politeness, but why force employees to smile harder? If they aren't smiling, perhaps the problem is their job. A sure way to encourage smiling is to treat employees better, and make them feel loved.

Comment Re:I wouldn't publish on Kindle if it was Open (Score 1) 315

Once the Internet community stops (I know it isn't everyone but it is enough to be a major problem) stealing content created by artists

Hahahahahaha! Never gonna happen! :-)

When information is this easy to copy, we'll never see the end to piracy. All you can do is accept it, and adapt to the new digital world, where information wants to be worthless.

No way on Earth I would work hard writing or creating something to have it passed around the Internet for free. I create for my own profit, not your entertainment.

Good to know you have artistic integrity /sarcasm

Seriously... make art because you enjoy it. Many great artists never saw a cent from their work.

Comment Re:Things to learn from the Open Source model (Score 1) 640

Sorry, I should have been more clear. I was hoping that if html 5 chose a codec for its video tag, it would reduce the need for flash, and contribute to it's death (forcing it out, in your words). It seems nobody wants to pick a codec now because they are afraid it will kill flash, but I think the html 5 team shouldnt worry about that. With flash gone, adobe could spend their efforts making something new to compete in an html 5 world. All in all, I agree with you.

Comment Re:Things to learn from the Open Source model (Score 4, Insightful) 640

We have been taught to fear destruction, and praise creation, without realizing the two functions are complementary. Like a tree must be pruned before it can bear fruit, the death of outdated technologies forces us to innovate, and thus destroying creates. When flash and silverlight die, newer, better technologies will fill the void. I echo your call for said entities to die already. Death is beautiful.

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