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Comment Re:How does it compare? (Score 1) 209

And it's not simply a case of meeting the storage needs of the current electrical system: the design goal people want is a carbon-free total energy system. And the first big thing to do is to electrify as much as possible of heating and transportation. So when you have a two week polar vortex with mostly sub-zero temperatures covering the Midwest with very little wind and solar generation you need to handle the total heating needs (unlike today when the large majority of the heating comes directly from fossil fuels--the biggest chunk being natural gas).

Comment Re:Will backfire HARD (Score 1) 169

Ask yourself how difficult it is to know if a previous employee is working for a competitor vs a previous employee is disclosing trade secrets to that competitor. The first is very easy; just look up the employee at LinkedIn or his social media or Google.... The second is very difficult: neither the employee or the new employer is going to mention it. Maybe you can infer it from a new product coming out and sue--but this is very iffy.

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