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Comment Re:Conroy vs. Sarkozy (Score 3, Insightful) 151

This is the laziest response to the age-old problem of representation in government. "Well the people voted for X."

Who exactly votes for the people who get to run for office? Nobody? I wouldn't say that. Money votes for the initial candidates. That money comes from industry. The people who run are those who can best afford to run, and what that means is they are connected enough throughout industry and politics to be a viable option. This SEVERELY limits who the people will ultimately be ABLE to vote for, with the caveat that every single candidate has an agenda of their own that does not reflect the will of the people. Of course once the choices are sufficiently narrowed down for the people, and a single candidate is "elected", that candidate then owes much to their initial benefactors.

The word "democracy" as the world is wont to use it is a farce and nefarious doublespeak at best.

Comment Re:Why? (Score 1) 301

I also did the same in high school. It was a horrible idea in hind-sight because I didn't actually learn my math, but I passed my math classes in a breeze. I'd simple make programs for whatever formulas we were using and have simple inputs for whatever numbers given and it would spit out the answer. I was always the first one done and nearly always received at least a B (rarely showed any work). If they're going to require you to use calculators they'd just as well hand them out on the day of the test and collect them back at the end to ensure kids aren't just skirting around doing the math themselves.

Comment This is nothing new (Score 1) 140

I remember reading a story about this back around the time I first created my slashdot account some 13+ years ago. I remember people saying it was a nice idea but in practice it was unworkable for various obvious reasons including hand injuries, differing keyboards, and environmental distractions.

Comment Re:In other news (Score 1) 267

It's not just here in the United States however. I have watched several documentaries about Latin America and what we have done to their true democratic governments. We wipe them out, install a puppet, and ensure that no matter what the people vote for, the choice is ultimately the same. I believe it is no longer taboo to call the United States an empire for that is truly what it has been for the past 30 or 40 years. A good general overview on it all is on the movie "The End of Democracy" which is streamable on netflix.

Comment Re:Please: NO POLITICAL POSTURING. (Score 1) 1855

It is so easy to point out the ugly and evil of others. What is hard is taking a good look at yourself. American soldiers using American weapons, planes, bombs, tanks, mines, and missiles kill and wound hundreds of innocent people every single day. For years on end. Don't act holier than thou. What happened on 9/11 was despicable to say the least, but it was not unwarranted, and it was not out of proportion in the minds of millions I would imagine. If anything it was but a flea bite in comparison to a world war.

Dictators are propped up by this government, and handed the weapons which they use to brutalize their own people. When they are no longer of use, or reject our demands, we go and destroy their people even worse than they could ever do. Don't for a second think we are innocent. Not a single one of us is. A single man who lashed out is dead. That is neither cause for celebration nor mourning, but I would have hoped for more than the 'rally around the flag' reaction that has thus far been ensconced in the media and online. A time for some sober reflection has been long overdue and should in order.

And of course I fully expect to be downmodded and flamed into oblivion for my inexcusable sobriety.

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