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Comment No foundries without ASML (Score 1) 106

They cannot build their own foundries. ASML is the only supplier for the machines foundries need.


While they are incorporated in the Netherlands, they are still under the influence of the US since it's a US vasall country. So the US will simply forbid them to deliver their machines to China or chinese fabs.

If they don't comply, they won't be able to supply any machines to any US fab or US' ally fab, ie none in the western world and none to Korea, Japan or Taiwan either. This would of course be a huge blow to the semiconductor industry world wide, but we can agree the US doesn't care about that anymore.

Comment Uses of cryptocurrencies (Score 3, Insightful) 61

Cryptocurrencies have mainly 2 reasons: circumventing capital controls (China, Venezuela, etc.) and as a speculation object to fleece some sheep. Third one would be buying illegal things of course which is kinda stupid since the transaction history is usually public, but I digress. So if Russia bans them, it means they are worried about outflow of capital.

Comment Mycroft is not different from Amazon or Google (Score 5, Informative) 42

Mycroft might be open-source, but only in the parts, the parts that are relatively easy and unimportant. The parts one could easily replicate in a project. At its core, Mycroft works exactly the same as Alexa as it relies on some serverfarm elsewhere to do the actual speech recognition of the commands. Just like Google assistant, Siri or Alexa. That means you simply changed one big data-collecting company violating your privacy by sending all your interactions to them, for a small data-collecting company violating it by sending all interactions to them. Where is the improvement?

To use this fabulous open-source software you need a mandatory account at the mycroft.ai website. There is no way to actually run the speech recognition yourself. Who owns mycroft ai? A company named Middlebrow LLC. And while they might make all kinds of promises, those promises are utterly worthless when they need to make a profit.

The only voice assistant that actually protects your privacy is the one that completely fits in your cupboard at home without any internet connection. Even if you need a dual EPYC 32C 128GB server to run it. Everything else is the same privacy violation no matter if big evil NYSE listed multinational corporation or evil small corporation.

Comment Re:EXCELLENT (Score 2) 226

I am a pro-vax parent but under no circumstances is it okay for this shit! More speech is the answer to bad speech, not arresting people that say things you disagree with or hate.

This is bullshit. Samoa has currently an acute health crisis. The time for speech is over. To someone shouting "Fire!" in a crowded theater, the answer is not more speech "There is no fire! Be calm!", but a punch to the mouth of the fire-shouter so he shuts up immediately. "More speech" is fine in public debate to decide policy, but Samoa can't debate policy right now but must currently fight a health crisis for lives. After the current crisis is dealt with, then they can let this guy out again and tell his lies to decide laws, policy, etc., not before.

Comment Re:That's not domestication (Score 2) 133

Domestication is imho another word for socialization. We made the wolf more likely to work together with a different species and less less likely to fight with this species. This domestication went two ways: before we also fought with wolves since they were competitors or dangers. Dogs also fight less among themselves for dominance.

Both species were domesticated and socialized.

Comment Reproduction != raising (Score 2) 133

The parents decided who raises the offspring after it was produced by deciding the marriage partners. Who one reproduces with however, is still decided by the people themselves, not their parents. Reproduction and raising are two different things.

As for arranged marriages being more stable: those societies also flat out do not allow divorces or place a strong taboo on it.

Comment Astronomy has been in danger since fire invention (Score 2) 132

Earth based Astronomy is always in danger the better the technology available on Earth gets. After artificial light aka fire was invented, astronomy has been losing ground ever since. Artificial light means light pollution and that hurts astronomy. Then gas light in cities, then electric light all over everyhwere made it a lot worse. Which is why observatories went to deserts in Chile in the first place (apart from the clear and dry air without any clouds). The number of satellites we have in earth orbit has been increasing since the space race began. It always went up, never ever down. It doesn't matter if it's a starlink satellite or cube sats for agriculture or any other satellite. The numbers will grow and astronomy will have to adapt. Rather, astronomy will have to build their own satellites and use them to do research: Hubble, James-Webb, etc. This will drive up the price of astronomy of course, but that's the only thing they can do until they can bui8ld their own bases on the back of the moon or on Neptune, Pluto and Kuiper belt when/if the technology ever becomes available.

Comment How to get to the off switch? (Score 1) 34

If you have a rampaging crazed ED-209 on your hands, do you want to storm its gatling-cannons to shut it off? I think those "experts" haven't really thought this through with this off-switch. Oh, I know, I know! WiFi connection. Killerrobots with built in backdoor to shut it off. Readymade for battlefield subversion.

But then, "ethics" for hardware where its only purpose is to kill is a special kind of oxymoron in the first place. Or maybe the people trying to do ethics (all for the benjamins in this fat, cushy commission job...) are simply a special kind of moron and no oxy. The term "technologist" was basically a very big clue already for that.

Comment The feasability of such attack was never questione (Score 5, Interesting) 84

No one doubted that such an attack on servers would be impossible. Just everyone asked bloomberg to prove their allegations of tampering with proof, e.g. an actually tampered with board. Just Bloomberg never did, and so they were called liars. Justifiably so.

Tampering with equipment on the supply chain is a standard criminal enterprise for years now. Nothing about state involvement, but simple normal greed. Cash terminals for payment with credit cards are made and assembled in China. There have been many many news stories about those where criminals inserted skimmers and mobile phones to steal credit card data, even in big nationwide chain stores, or especially in them.

There is/was even an all out tech war on both sides: criminals put in skimmers. Recipients weigh the terminals before deploying them and sort out the ones that have the additional weight of the skimmer. They cannot simply open ther terminals since they are sealed for security reasons and if unsealed they aren't usable for transactions anymore due to regulations and anti tampering mechanisms. The criminals react by removing not needed plastic inside the cases so the weight matches again. Then the recipients measure angular momentum ie weight distribution inside the case. etc.


Comment Macron is a self-serving idiot (Score 2, Interesting) 240

The way Macron delivered his "aid" was monumenbtally stupid. If you want to help someone, you don't insult him. Yes, Bolsonaro is behaving like the spoilt brat he is, but offering 20 million dollars "aid" for all of the amazon rainforest, is just insulting, not to mention it won't help a bit. So Macron is acting as the arrogant ass he is, not wanting to help Brazil or the rainforest but making points to his own base in Europe how enlightened he is.

The brazilians burn their rainforest, under express orders from their new government, to have room for cash crops (soy, palmoil) and to raise cattle. This soy, palmoil and beef will be exported for billions of dollars its not for demestic consumption. One of the main importers, if not the biggest importer, is the EU aka Macron. So the EU directly profits from destroyed rainforest. The EU population is a main reason why the forest is actually burnt!

So what the EU should do instead is freeze the recent trade agreement they did with the Mercosur block (Brazil is a big member of that block), at least for all soy,oil and beef products until Brazil enacts protections and punishes the arsonists.

However that would actually hurt the EU economy itself too, unlike the useless 20 millions which probably wont be sent anyways. So there is basically zero chance of actually doing the right thing here.

Comment What will happen with these bitcoin now? (Score 1) 138

Who actually will own the bitcoin in this wallet now? Binance supposedly has identified it correctly, maybe enough that a court will award it back to them after a few years. The police, binance, and everyone else will look at this address like hawks.

So as soon as someone transfers something away from it, they will pounce on that other address for money laundering, trafficking in stolen goods, whatever. This means it is actually worthless for the thieves, right? They stole it but they can't actually take it and spend it. However the rightful owners can't do that either cause it would violate the blockchain.

So how does Binance now get their valuables back? If this happens with other things like diamonds, they would get those back after several years when the matter has gone through all the necessary courts. If it happens with virtual things like bank balances, they would get it back, the balance simply restored, transferred back from the recipient bank. How does one get stolen bitcoin back to the rightful owner? Is this even possible or will it be gone forever since they cryptographic keys are not available for anyone. This particular wallet basically being a dead wallet.

Can some legal court in some country tell and force the miners who create the blockchain for transactions to do a specific transaction where they transfer they bitcoin to a court specified address so Binance has their property back or is this actually not possible? We do know there is this famous "51% hack" where one falsifies the blockchain. Would that be possible to do here too, just to right an obvious wrong, a legalised breach of the blockchain basically?

Comment Re:What's the point of this post? (Score 3, Informative) 174

It's not Apple's fault but only Intel's. Intel has problems to deliver enough CPUs to all vendors, Apple is not an exception. The reasons for this are twofold: a) 10nm is delayed for 3-4 years now. Intel uses 14nm+++ to produce their same Skylake CPUs (6xxx) since forever now. b) AMD landed a success with Ryzen so Intel had to react. They reacted the only way they could be giving parity in cores. So now we have quadcore i3, hexacore i5, up to octacore i9 and soon decacore. Both, using all those wafers with 14nm and producing CPUs with more cores lead to the same thing: less CPUs per wafer than with 10nm. Intel can produce less CPUs for the same amount of wafers as they intended. It got so bad, they had to retool some old lines to produce special B365 chipsets to free up capacity for more CPUs.

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