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Comment "Reasonable doubt" (Score 1) 107

> Are you saying he's so fucking stupid he "got confused" as an intelligent adult raised in a modern society and didn't know he was pulling a fire alarm at a key moment during a legislative session?

No! I'm only saying one cannot rule out an accident "beyond a reasonable doubt". I 100% agree it looks suspicious, but not "beyond a reasonable doubt" of an accident. I've made really dumb mistakes myself when in a hurry. You didn't answer my request for BRD justification. Why is that? Are you in a hurry?

Turn off Fox and read legal book, especially the chapter on "reasonable doubt". Then you can reply like "an intelligent adult raised in a modern society" (your own words).

The civil case against Bowman may go further, possibly charging him with the cost of wages spent on dealing with the alarm. This is because civil charges have a lower threshold of evidence. (I don't know the status of the civil case.)

As far as some of the Jan-sixers being overturned, it happens all the time. Judges are called "judges" for a reason, and different judges make different judgements. A somewhat small percent being overturned is thus NOT evidence of a partisan conspiracy. Stop foil-hatting everything you don't like; bad habit.

Comment Re:We are not far behind (Score 1) 107

NYTimes is paywalled.

The fire alarm accusation is pure mind-reading speculation. People make mistakes with alarms near other levers when in a hurry, and mistake cannot be ruled out. Felonies require "beyond reasonable doubt" and I've seen nothing that strong against Bowman. If you have a BRD argument, bringItOn!...

Comment Outsourcing to outsourced outsourcers (Score 1) 32

The report suggests the contracting arrangement was several steps removed from the major producers.

Established companies outsourcing staffing to fly-by-night companies is how many of the H1B visa program abuses came about that I've personally witnessed. The big-name company can often simply blame the obscure outsourcing firm if caught.

Having corrupt turtles all the way down is a recipe for mutant ninja crime.

Comment Universes may be life-forms (Score 1) 77

> First off no actual scientist thought it was even a constant for decades at least.

The working assumption was that it was constant because all the other known forces are constant. It had been "constant unless proven otherwise".

It's premature to conclude such, but the lumpiness fits the "budding universe" theory whereby some portions of our universe will eventually collapse back on self and re-explode into a new universe in another dimension (string?) with slightly different "parameters". Universes may be life-forms, or at least life-like.

Some regional collapses may have already happened, but how to detect such is still a mystery. They may leave no obvious trace.

Comment Experiment is the source of scientific truth (Score 1) 257

We have an overwhelming set of experiments and observations about momentum being conserved. But if someone can show a replicable exception someday, we'll have a huge overhaul to do.

My questions about this would include whether the inventor has given enough information for other people to build one. Then I'd look around to see if it's, by some unknown mechanism, reacting against something in the environment.

Comment Re:The point of this was to get women into coding (Score 1) 106

To be frank, one person is not a good sample size.

> Even in the darkest of days, aka 2008,

Here on the West Coast the slump seemed to peak around 2002 or 2003, the after-math of the dot-com bust. Smart-phones then created a mini-boom that helped many avoid the mortgage meltdown slump. It's not that every person laid off from the dot-coms went into smart-phone dev, but it removed slack from the IT market.

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