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Comment Re:I can see a heated debate coming (Score 1) 321

I feel like the only annoying solution is what you get in TypeScript, where you still have to indicate that you are declaring a variable (const/let) but also declare the type. So it becomes `const foo: Bar`, whereas in other languages you could write `Bar foo` for an explicit type or `var foo` or `auto food` for an implicit type.

Comment Does it even accomplish the stated goal? (Score 1) 163

This seems like a cat and mouse game, where the only loser is the end user. Even if you only allow âoeapprovedâ browsers, you can still play with web sites programmatically via browser addons, user scripts, or something Selenium-like. It seems this would only work against wget or raw HTTP libraries that donâ(TM)t involve a real browser. Plus Iâ(TM)m not sure how youâ(TM)re supposed to be able to do this while keeping things FOSS.

Comment Re:Split on this (Score 1) 109

Now, I would also like to add that there's an alternative - you can make a store in the style of Amazon Go. But that has a few problems. It doesn't scale down - a mom and pop shop can't afford a system like that, whereas the facial recognition option really just requires a camera and an online service. It also is inconvenient due to needing an account, acting as a minor deterrent to shopping at new places. Finally, it doesn't fix privacy issues much, since you need an account with attached electronic payment method, and you still need the place to be chock-full of cameras.

Comment Split on this (Score 4, Interesting) 109

Orwellian? Certainly. But you do have the right to monitor and record your premises, and prohibit people from entering your property. We're also at the point where many police departments are overloaded or don't care about small-value thefts like this. Shoplifting as a criminal career has the advantage that if you steal a little from one store, a little from another store, it all adds up, but no individual incident is enough to trigger a proper police response.

But from a privacy standpoint? On one hand, I wouldn't trust them at all to not misuse this data. They could easily track anyone's shopping habits and behavior using this system. On the other hand, the recording and monitoring already happens - they are merely using the data in a different manner, rather than collecting more data, and it might even be naive to assume they aren't already doing this. From a privacy realism standpoint, you might be able to stop giving a particular piece of data, but once the data has been collected, it's an exercise in futility to tell them how they're allowed to use the data.

Comment Re:Debts that can't be paid won't be paid.. (Score 1) 365

Now, if you wanted to argue that loan forgiveness should be means tested, I completely agree. If your investment in college did pay off, you absolutely should have to meet your end of the agreement.

Tthe incentive structure really needs to be better. If a school gave you a worthless degree, then the school should be the one holding the bag. Not an unrelated government body, not the taxpayer. It would be great if schools had a bit more of a fiduciary responsibility to their students, such as if income-share agreements were the default.

Comment Re:Oh, this is good (Score 1) 179

It would positively affect:

  • Transportation-related pollution
  • Traffic and public transportation load
  • Cost of living (why pay SF/NYC prices if your job is the only reason you live there?)
  • Parenting, since you can actually be there with your children instead of dumping them off at a daycare
  • Spread of viruses, even the common cold
  • And many other, smaller things

Comment Re:Apple bribes? (Score 1) 79

Right but those were actual high-end machines - not $7k+ for previous-gen PCIe, low RAM capacity, low core count, and a single CPU. Apple silicon just isn't up to the task of a real workstation (yet). My theory is that it's just very difficult to compete in that space unless you also make servers, since a real workstation has more in common with a server than a desktop.

Comment Re: 192GB max ram shared with video is low for an (Score 1) 79

Yeah, that's the less-obvious problem with non-upgradable parts - the fact that just about every manufacturer charges 2-3x the actual market rate (or higher) for those upgrades. I can't just buy it with the minimum specs and upgrade it myself, I have to pay their highway robbery prices or be stuck with a base spec turd.

Comment No (Score 4, Interesting) 94

When you access a web app in a normal browser window, you get a lot of free functionality from the browser. Multiple tabs, history, back/forward, bookmarks. Perhaps even addons or userscripts. If you use a PWA instead, you lose much of that functionality. This also applies to native apps which are just a wrapper around a browser.

Comment Call me skeptical for the long-term impact (Score 1) 22

You'd think many of these technologies that purport to reduce effort needed from educators would reduce costs for students, but in reality, many of them directly pass the costs onto students (like those textbooks that come with a one-time-use code for their online portion). Most of these things start with good intentions, but they get corporatized and end up benefitting nobody but the seller (and whatever administrator is getting the kickbacks).

Comment Re:As a European ... (Score 1) 293

It used to be something reasonable. I always viewed it as "pay for the food, tip for the service". I'd tip at sit-down restaurants, but not things like fast food. For pizza delivery, tip the driver, because they provided a service.

The problem is that it has become something that no longer fits that purpose. Why am I being asked to tip at a fast food restaurant, where they're not really providing a service on top of the food? Why am I being asked to tip an online business? Why am I being asked to tip before they've performed the service? None of this makes any sense anymore.

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