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Comment Re:Creating Fans By Attrition (Score 2) 405

I've recounted these and similar details before, and gotten modded down as flamebait and troll.

Well, maybe a reason for that, hmm? Like wrong information and "facts?"

He had the first Mac designed around his choices for the Apple II that Woz over ruled.

False. The Mac was already a project before Jobs knew anything about it. The only major disagreement between Jobs and Woz (who actually collaborated in early Mac development -- at Jobs' request) was the lack of slots.

the Mac was intended to supplant the very successful and projected to be long-lived Apple II

Well, duh. The whole thrust of Apple at that time was to leapfrog the IBM PC. The GUI was obviously the way to go at the time, and most Apple engineers were working on it, even the Apple II guys (][GS was the fruit of that). Did you not expect them to release something new and different after 7 years? (][ 1977, Mac 1984)

Jobs shut down the Apple II line

Bzzt, wrong. Jobs left in 1986. Some form of Apple II was in production until 1993.

It's obvious you're bitter, I'm just not clear how pushing misinformation to the kids helps. I can't believe this comes up "interesting." They don't teach them anything these days.

Comment Re:Stephane Charpentier's review of 105 PSUs (Score 1) 223

the translator is interpreting whatever "power supply" is in French as "food" is making it incredibly hard to follow.

Switch food to 240V for European countries. May need to attach mains adaptor to food in UK. Do not expose food to water or other liquids. Please do not daisy-chain cables from this food. Voltage drop on food normal when brownout occurs.


D-Link DIR-655 Firmware 1.21 Hijacks Your Internet Connection 428

chronopunk writes "Normally when you think of firmware updates for a router you would expect security updates and bug fixes. Would you ever expect the company that makes the product to try and sell you a subscription for security software using its firmware as a salesperson? I recently ran into this myself when trying to troubleshoot my router. I noticed when trying to go to Google that my router was hijacking DNS and sent me to a website trying to sell me a software subscription. After upgrading your D-link DIR-655 router to the latest firmware you'll see that D-link does this, and calls the hijacking a 'feature.'"

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This restaurant was advertising breakfast any time. So I ordered french toast in the renaissance. - Steven Wright, comedian
