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Comment Re:Beware of namechanges (Score 1) 629

They don't have them. They do have cell phones...

Here's my sad Radio Shack story. I'm the one likely to buy electronic parts and remember buying crystals for my CB radio at Radio Shack back in the 80's.

This past Christmas we wanted to get a prepaid cell phone for one of our kids, figuring that if he lost it we could replace it for $20. Heaven help me, I actually thought of Radio Shack first, after having been accosted by them for cell phone purchases every time I needed wire or components.

There I was, a couple weeks before Christmas, walking into Radio Shack for the purpose of buying a cell phone. I asked questions; they had no answers. The clerk was utterly clueless about the pay-as-you-go phone plans, their options, and which would be best for my son.

I'm thinking that the point got lost somewhere along the way.

Comment Re:Is This A Threat to Net Neutrality? Yes. (Score 3, Insightful) 442

This is just another reason why CONTENT providers should be prohibited from making any kind of business deals with SERVICE providers.

While I agree in principle, I'm not completely opposed to an Internet subscription model where I get to choose between Package A (basic Internet with no frills) and Package B (basic plus ESPN.com). If I don't want that crap then I don't have to pay for it.

Seriously, who's to say that it wouldn't be a reasonable business move for AT&T to offer Internet Plus that comes with built-in subscriptions to Wall Street Journal, New York Times, ESPN, etc., for a fraction of the cost of subscribing to each individually. I don't consider that a challenge to Net Neutrality as long as the option exists for me to subscribe, at will, to those services like we do today.

Right now, however, the Internet providers aren't particularly interested in giving me any choices, including choices between different providers (Time Warner is the only provider in my area in the middle of freaking south Austin -- we can't even get DSL). In the rush to provide the illusion of "more" in order to raise prices, nobody seems interested in providing "less."

Comment Re:"H1N1" (Score 1) 368

Over the last 5 years more people have been killed in the US by swine flu than by terrorists.

You can't be serious. What about the last eight years?

Your analogy would have worked better with automobile accidents, heart attacks related to poor health habits, lightning strikes, or even suicides.

Comment Re:Why not? (Score 2, Insightful) 208

I always figured it was because so many features of the system libraries were wired into IE. The help system, the active desktop, file thumbnail previews, any HTML display object created by application code -- seems like all of these would be wired into the same dynamic library for optimal support and space/memory efficiency.

Given that the user might still expect all that other stuff to work after "removing" IE, what are you really removing? A windowed presentation with some bookmark functionality?

Perhaps someone else can comment on how close Windows is to allowing some other browser vendor to be a plug-in replacement for all that other functionality.

Comment Re:News in english about the trial: (Score 1) 664

Exactly. It'll be interesting to see how they defend their very name in the context of legitimate versus illegitimate content.

I mean, come on, they're called Pirate Bay. Rather than cleaning up their content, they've instead elected to move their operation a couple times in efforts to find countries with weaker IP laws.

In what universe can this organization be thoughtfully compared to the likes of Google or eBay without stretching the limits of reason?

Comment Monetary Base -- Our government at work (Score 1) 873

What I'd love an economist-person to explain is to what degree the following graphs should terrify my children, and their children, and their children's children.

These graphs show the Monetary Base over time, which is to say the amount of real money (US dollars) that exists. Take special note of the last year or so, into which was born the concept of 700bn bailouts and 900bn stimulus packages.

Monetary Base

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