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Comment Re:What do you get when you combine losers ? (Score 1) 87

A really damn big loser. Might as well say goodbye to these brands now.

Yeah, a list of all the most unreliable European brands mixed with a list of all the most unreliable American brands. The new Fiat group is a verifiable whos who of all the world's worst brands.

Comment Re:Poop jokes aside, this is great news. (Score 1) 66

I recently learned from my doctor that I have an aggressive form of butthole cancer that could have been treated if it was caught early on.

Is butthole cancer the technical term?

The thing about stool analysis is that they need to know to analyse the stool in the first place. (unless pooping in a bag becomes a standard step for your annual physical). Having tools to look for problems is great, but they need to know when to use them, or use them regularly.

Comment Re:No thanks. (Score 1) 33

EA lost my business a long time ago.

Incidentally what do they need to do to get it back? In a time when Epic games is fragmenting the community by bringing the worst of the console world to PC (paid exclusivity for 3rd party titles), EA deciding to share their catalogue outside of their own store is a move that will gift them a lot of goodwill.

Can't speak for OP, but for me EA lost my business for all time when they started putting DRM in software that snooped through people's efile tax documents and disabled ReadWrite CD-ROMs from working.

Comment Re:Pay them properly (Score 1) 262

I don't tip at McDonalds,

The only fast food restaurants I've been to in last couple years have all been subways. I've noticed some Subways have tip jars or have tipping option built into Credit Card readers, and others don't. Even though I sometimes do tip at Subway, I won't go back to any that ask me to tip when I pay by CC. They've probably lost tip money (at least from me) by programming it into their credit card machines.

Comment Re:We? (Re:Solution) (Score 2) 262

Where is this "we" coming from? How about everyone makes this decision for himself, uhm?

If I decide to not tip, I'm being a jackass for not giving some poor guy the money he needs to live.
If everyone doesn't tip then employers are forced to pay their staff more.

One person not tipping when it's expected is a jackass. Everyone not tipping is social progress.

Comment Re:Why would you? (Score 1) 262

I'm American and I think tipping is ridiculous. Pay your servers/drivers/etc properly and drop this tipping nonsense.

I would pay extra to go to a restaurant (or other service) where tipping was banned. Build the cost of the waiter's extra income into the cost of the meal and do away with the tipping malarkey.

Comment Re:Did they give one to Trump? (Score 1) 52

Have you lost your mind? Neither Trump or the Republican party have ever given the slightest indications that they are totalitarians.

"I can't be prosecuted, I'm the President"
"I should be allowed more than two terms"
"To be a whistleblower against the President is treason"
"To support investigating me is treason"
"Those within my own party who are against me are the lowest form of scum"
"The press should not be allowed to say negative things about the President"

He rules by executive order, denies request from other COEQUAL branches of the government. He absolutely wishes the US was a totalitarian regime and acts like he thinks it is.

Comment Re:Admin as password (Score 2) 59

I always use "12345" as a password.

It's the same as the combination on my luggage, so that makes it is easy for me to remember.

I just put my stuff in cayenne8's luggage when he's not looking and let him carry my stuff for me.

I hope he never opens his luggage and thinks "oh good, look at all this powdered sugar, my wife must have given me some as a treat"

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