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Comment Re:Violation (Score 1) 503

can't be a problem with net neutrality.. we repealed that.. and the as for the bill of rights.. The first amendment starts out referencing religion, so ya know. freedom of speech is only applicable to religion. Just like the second states only militias are allowed to own firearms, and the third only covers soldiers.. etc etc

Comment Re:race is a bourgeois construct... (Score 1) 197

There are deep intrinsic cultural differences that are largely apparent within different racial communities.


this is where ya lost me. tying "race" to culture, they are entirely unrelated.

humans, people, on the whole all want/need the same basic stuff. Our cultures can separate us, but we are the same race. a bulldog and a lab, are both dogs. this "race" thing comes about because of the perception that "whitey" is a horse, and "blackey" is a donkey.. and it's bull.

Comment Re: HFCS (Score 1) 283

If strawberries are too expensive because of the labor to pick them, the solution is not to grow 5lb mutant strawberries, the solution is to invent methods of growing and harvesting that lend themselves to automation or sell growing kits for people to grow their own in a small green house or some other of a thousand options.

unless, of course, it IS the solution, and study bears that out. Stating that it is "wrong" doesn't mean it's not worth investigating.

obligatory xkcd

Comment Re:Unreasonable huh (Score 2) 510

there is really no such thing as an un-openable safe. physics always wins, if you can't wedge the frame far enough apart that the lock state doesn't matter, you go in through the side with an angle grinder.

though there are alloys that cause you to get into internally destructive methods to get the thing open, by causing the angle grinder discs to get gummed up or chewed up with various materials under the metal so you have to resort to open flame options. Bout the best we have when it comes to physical security though.

rarely, if ever, is the lock even an after thought in attacking a safe.

Comment Re:Unreasonable huh (Score 1) 510

and on top of that, are you willing to give 1 person 15 life sentences, or have them roll on the rest of the people, avoid the gun charges and get 12 people "off the street"? The plea bargain has it's place, it's just a double edged sword. you can do a lot of good, or you can destroy an innocent.

Comment why the debate? (Score 1) 341

The job of academia is to inform people, the job of (at least an american) citizen is to make their own choices and live with the consequences.

IF your consequence is that your child isn't allowed into some private schools.. well then, that's your choice. BUT public schools should not have the right to require a parent to "be a parent in whatever way the government currently sees fit" it's BS.

I really don't understand why this whole issue is suddenly EVERYWHERE in the press.. OMFG some people make bad decisions despite research, news at 11! Think of the children!.. the ones that were vaccinated and not at risk, or the ones who's parents made a choice on? Cause, i get the basic feeling that there isn't even an actual problem here..

the only REAL possible problem is the vaccinations themselves. since they aren't 100% effective, if you are in public you get a slightly more weighted dice roll on wether or not the thing even worked.. you get that by traveling to another country too.. soo should we be banning that?

it's enough to make a person go all tin-foil hat and wonder why the novaccies are being attacked in the media so urgently..

Comment Re:Nah (Score 1) 128

more likely scenarios include, stumbling across any cartel operation and getting killed, or being told, hey we're going to make you this offer, you'll get paid a ton, but you have to disappear, say no, and yer dead. or as a poster below says.. aliens

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