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Comment Re:Homeland Security... (Score 1) 305

If Intellectual Property is real property then why are there no property taxes on it? How does Comcast get away with selling TV thats already paid for with commercials? When did the bill of rights become a technicality? Why is it legal to waterboard someone but using bit torrent to download a Linux distro is a danger to us all? What good are those electronic strip search machines when the drug dealers get their stuff through airports everyday with no problem? Why is it illegal in most states to drive with headphones on but a deaf person has no problem getting a drivers license? I don't really expect a reasonable answer to any of my questions. Because their are not any besides the fact we are all SUCKERS. The rich and powerful know we won't riot we won't vote in mass and we will keep on paying our taxes. So theres no need to ask why is my broadband bill 70 bucks a month while the rest of the world gets much faster service at a fraction of the price ... We are SUCKERS. Thank goodness I'm an old man and won't have to put up with all this for much longer because the future is nothing to look forward too ... High School Class of 2010 less than 25% passed the SAT (search /. the story was posted here about the class of 2010 so don't accuse me of making it up please) so the next generation is dumb as wood. I do hope I live long enough to see all our technology break down and no one is left that is smart enough to fix it. Its not global warming that should scare us but rather the mass breeding of morons.

Comment Re:This study is nothing but Communist propaganda (Score 1) 961

Its all content cartel propaganda designed to keep us fighting with each other while not noticing how badly we are being screwed in a rigged system. How many of these talking empty heads on The Hippy News Network (MSNBC) or The Clinton News Network (CNN) or The White Trash News Network (Fox) has the guts to talk about net neutrality? None! For the most part we don't vote we don't riot and we pay our taxes and the rich asswipes know this and use us as suckers. When they have us paying for TV thats already PAID FOR with commercials yep we are suckers. When they force us to pay 60+ bucks a month for broadband thats less than 10 bucks a month in most other places in the world yep we are suckers. When we have to pay well over 200 bucks for 30 nexium capsules when the rest of the world pay less than 50 yep we are suckers ... I could fill a small library with examples yet we fight tooth and nail with each other over stupid shit all the while the rich are robbing us blind. Why? Cause you got it we are suckers.

Comment Re:The same kind of policies... (Score 2, Interesting) 452

Cameras on street corners - ISP's spying on customers for the MPAA/RIAA - Law enforcement backdoors - Games that won't play in single player mode without 'calling home' - Warrant less wire taps - Torture - Cell phone co. law enforcement websites that give instant access to GPS data - Government tracking cookies and malware - Forced to 'show your papers' to travel - Almost daily videos of police beatings - Sick people jailed for medical cannabis - Full body scanners - For profit jails (and judges) - DMCA - EULA's - DCI byte (broadcast flag) - Private for profit armies - IP enforcement disguised as cyber security - Drug tests - Rigged media ... I can go on lol Pot meet kettle

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