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Comment Re:This is no tech company problem. (Score 2) 102

Back in the 90's I worked in IT for the state govt. I found out in my first month that I had more access to the data systems than the Director or our agency.
He had to call me to get access to certain accounts.

Plus, I soon found out my IT badge would open every door in HQ. Security guard told me that "You computer guys are allowed to go anywhere."

Comment Re:Torrent Availability (Score 1) 48

Reminds me of the punk in a planning meeting a few years back. Us old timers were talking about packet sizes and network congestion preventing our test results from getting to the servers in a timely manner. Young turk pops up and tells us "we don't send 'packets', we send 'files' to the analysis software." and looked at us like we had no idea what we were talking about.

He ain't here no more.

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