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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 35 declined, 7 accepted (42 total, 16.67% accepted)


Submission + - Help find the dead on music industry petition

rimberg writes: "The Open Rights Group (Think EFF in the UK) are asking for help finding dead people who have miraculously managed to sign a music industry petition calling for extending the length of copyright term on sound recordings. As pointed out by Larry Lessig, at least two of the people listed Freddie Garrity and Lonnie Donegan are dead. They have a scan of the ad currently chopped into four bits, that they would like people to look over and report any names from beyond the grave."

Submission + - UK report on all IP law

rimberg writes: "The Gowers Review, commissioned by the UK government to look at all intellectual property law in the United Kingdom, published its final report today. It was commissioned by the Chancellor of the Exchequer Gordon Brown MP so it is expected that the report will hold a lot of weight and that its recommendations will be followed. I think the readers a of Slashdot are going to be happy with many of its recommendations. The Open Rights Group (The UK equivalent of the EFF) have more details."

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