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Comment Do no evil (Score 1) 473

I thought "do no evil" was supposed to be aspirational statement. It seems that Google is taking it as an assertion as in "We here at Google are not capable of doing evil." Such hubris will, of course, mean turning a blind eye to all the evil Google is doing.

Anyhow, mental note to self: Be very, very wary of anyone or anything that claims that their utmost principle is not doing evil.

Comment No voice for all people (Score 1) 65

"We hope to give all people a voice and create a platform for all ideas."

This is a blatant lie. Facebook is making concentrated effort to silence ideas that they consider aboninations. The usual suspects are to be expected. That is to say, you only need to see what ideas liberals are opposing for virtue signaling purposes. Like idea that there are two sexes or the idea that transsexuality, or gender dysphoria in medical terms, is a form of mental illness.

Comment Re: The U.S. needs a healthy government. (Score 1) 244

If Trudeau sees fit to comment things in US (not part of jurisdiction of Canadian goverment), he should also be able to comment things closer to home. Maybe he should even pay more attention to things in Canada.

And, as a side note, those thing are closely related to Canadaâ(TM)s goverment because they are related to C16.

Comment Re:Also affects normal people (Score 2) 682

it implies that difficulties to conform to the lunacy of this new authorian left is some sort of mental illness.

Who is calling high functioning autism a mental illness? It's a mental condition, but not an illness.

Right. The most reflective method of virtue signaling of the new authorian left is done with correctly chosen words. A "mental condition" you say? That is a new one I haven't heard before. I think the correct term was (in the beginning of the year, at least) "mental disorder." Your interest in policing language gives you immedeately away as a follower of authoritarian left.

(If they would, they would ask them for an opinion and figure out quite quickly that they don't want to be the battle ground of the next proxy culture war. On the contrary, they want to be left alone.)

You're just putting words into trans-people's mouth as you are accusing "the modern intelligentzia" of doing. Some trans-people do want to be left alone. But quite a lot more want to have equal rights. Kind of telling to call fighting for equal rights a "culture war".

Be careful. That's not what I'm claiming. I'm claiming that the modern intellegenzia are repeating fashionable drivel. They don't even bother to put words in the mouths of their selected "opressed group." They just repeat the drivel that comes in fasion waves. The current one, I guess, is about pronouns while a year ago it was about bathrooms.

And, BTW, I didn't make the claim about the transpeople without a reference. Dr. Jordan B. Peterson has received a large number of letters from trans people. He stated that typical message in the letters is clear: They don't like to be put on the spot light and would like to be left alone.

So, please, stick with policing language about race or something if you really need to signal your virtue but, for the love of God, leave transpeople alone. They have enought problems with their mental illness without you and your ilk adding to it.

Comment Also affects normal people (Score 4, Interesting) 682

I don't he's right in this regard. His original analysis of intellectual monoculture was better. I say this because also normal people are also having similar problems. I think the line of reasoning proposed by Mr. Damore here is dangerous as it implies that difficulties to conform to the lunacy of this new authorian left is some sort of mental illness. We've seen that before and it wasn't pretty.

Knowing what angers the modern intelligenzia requires constant following of their social media environment. I believe that is, in part, the purpose of the whole thing. For example, they don't make noice about trans-people because they are worried about their well being. (If they would, they would ask them for an opinion and figure out quite quickly that they don't want to be the battle ground of the next proxy culture war. On the contrary, they want to be left alone.) The whole point is to signal ideolgical group identity and demand conformity.

Comment Re:Liberal hypocrisy (Score 4, Informative) 471

The two are not equivalent. Damore chose to write that memo. Kaepernick is obliged to take certain actions during the national anthem, which he declined to do.

If your employer decided to have a mandatory prayer every morning, would you be okay with that?

Also, we can criticise the firing on Kaepernick but welcome the firing of Damore, because they were fired for different reasons. We judge one reason to be bad, one reason to be good.

Kaepernick was not fired. He ran out of his contract and was thereafter unable to find a new employer. Baltimore Ravens were in a contract discussions with him but the relationship went sour when Kaepernick's girlfriend Nessa Diab sent a tweet comparing Ravens' owner Steve Bisciotti to a slave owner.

The tweet happened but it might be that Kaepernick's fate was already sealed. He's currently sueing NLF owners that they colluded not to hire him. The collusion claim is handled by arbitration institute set up in the Collective Bargaining Agreement between NFL and NFL Player Association.

Comment A short letter from an outsider (Score 2) 1219

Hi US people,

I noticed that you are a) trying to guess which party the gunman voted for and b) discussing the merits or either better or worse availability of guns as a solutions.

As per gunman's voting record, I would suggest to you that it is irrelevant: Your political side won't score any points nor get any additional votes, even if it turns out that the gunman voted for the other party.

As per the availability of gun: It is not viable solution. It has been studies and the gun laws do not correlate in any manner with the number of deaths in these types of events. So there, gun laws are not a working solution. Hence, I would recommend that you look in to something that might work: Having better availability of mental health services.

Finally, I have a sad observation to make. You are not interested in discussing the merits (or the lack there of) of mental health approach because it does not involve political divide. You have forsaken your country. Petty political point scoring reigns supreme.

Sincerely yours,
A guy from Finland

Comment Measures used (Score 1) 151

Is the usage of obscure units some kind of inside joke that I'm unaware of. Here are all the units used in the summary:

* Over 17,000 feet below the ocean's surface [should be in meters]
* Over 4,000 miles (6,600 kilometers) long [Thank you for having a proper unit. But WTF is with the precision. Weight is given at least with three significant numbers.]
* weighing nearly 10.25 million pounds (4.65 million kilograms) [Million kilograms. Really? How about tons?]
* 160 terabits of data per second / more than 16 million times faster than the average home internet connection / streaming 71 million high-definition videos
* 1.5 times the diameter of a garden hose [Does this even deserve a comment?]

Comment Saddest moment (Score 3, Insightful) 458

At the moment the vote stands at 1484 / 4415 or 33% for firing James Damore. Before voting "no", I thought that this would be the most one sided poll in the Slashdot's history. I am devastated to find that a third of Slashdot's active readership is for James' firing.

I need spell how I interpret this.

First, after reading the memo, I concluded that James presented intelligent, well meaning and well thought argument about a complex topic. I don't think anyone can come to any other conclusion after reading the whole text in good faith. It is also worth pointing out that the memo was, at a deeper level, more about intellectual monoculture than sex differences, his main claim being that dissenting voices, even rational are silenced at Google. We was proven right by Google's actions.

Second, "firing" doesn't mean "I disagree" or "I want to disagree". Instead it means, in all probabilities, ruining someone's livelihood.

A third of Slashdot's readership is willing to ruin someone's livelihood based on a hearsay about a memo, which they haven't read (which is readily available for anyone able to use Google). Impulsive emotional retribution first based on hearsay then than weighted intellectual reaction. The mindset of majority of Slashdot's readership (I'm willing to say that approximately 33% of votes to "no" are also impulsive reactions) in this day and age. A sad realisation especially when compared to Slashdot's golden age.

With Google's reprehensible actions, the same can be said about our whole culture. It seems that western civilisation is heading towards next dark ages. This got to be my saddest moment for a long time.

Comment Re: Hate filled libtard (Score 1) 1197

You also saw a LOT of news about Trump supporters attacking, beating, vandalizing or intimidating people of various ethnicities or ideologies.

Your memory is not serving you correctly. To prove this to yourself you could try to come up with a list of incidents. When you start googling around, you will notice that most incidents are, in fact, against Trump supporters. The real question is, why memories such as yours are so prevalent.

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