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Comment Re:And Then What Will You Do With It? (Score 2, Insightful) 194

Intent to commit an act that is criminalized (whether you recognize that it is or not makes no difference) can be prosecuted if actual steps were taken to complete that act.
Completing an act that is strictly outlawed by statute is a crime regardless of the intent. The risk is wholly upon the actor if they get too close to the line.

Comment Re:The best feature they could add... (Score 1) 172

Internet surfers are a crabby bunch.

The most promising aspect of open source software, even beyond being free of locked-down monopolies, is the opportunity for anyone with an interest in software to get their hands dirty and experience what it feels like to help develop a project they actually use and care about. Even if the coding experience isn't there, there may be other ways to get involved. Participating in OSS has the potential to be very gratifying, and can entice more people to consider computer programming by leaping over the barrier of "who cares about a stupid program that prints 'hello world'?"

Comment Re:Christmas special? (Score 1) 423

Some people argue that science fiction, apart from being set in some techno-future, is (or at least should be) about addressing timeless human philosophical conflicts and ethical challenges, such as the issues related to ruling over other people via technological superiority, or the extent to which society/government can/should mold/control human's physical traits, behaviors, thoughts, or very lives. For the most part, these types of Sci-fi stories mainly use fictional technology to remove the tedious technicalities that something can't yet be done, and instead jump right into whether something should be done. In contrast, your run-of-the-mill fantasy is about adventure and heroism. All engaging fiction needs some sort of plot-advancing "adventure," but wonder of exploration is more often tied with fantasy adventure then sci-fi conflict.

Comment Re:No (Score 1) 201

I'm a fan of Triglav , which is a Diablo-style RPG with surprising quality and game length. It's coded in JavaScript, but designed for IE6 (wtf?), but appears to work with IE8 (and doesn't appear to work with Firefox). There's a instant-play mode, or a registration mode that lets you save your progress. Check it out.

Comment Re:Maybe missing the point (Score 1) 263

I'd like an answer to the same question. I'm sure many people are in the same boat, leaving their computers on because the shutdown/reboot is annoying. I'd save a lot of energy use and battery life if I could be enticed to shut off my laptop. Anyone else have personal experiences with what would cost $200 to have an SSD system partition?

Comment Re:Sounds familiar. (Score 1) 571

In many ways, it's the sort of cherry-picked, onslaught of soundbites like Svartalf provided that shutdown all rational, independent thought in people who lack cynicism, eventually creating enough unintelligible rage that society reacts broadly by locking down freedoms and independence.

Comment Re:Ordering and Convergence (Score 1) 981

Nonsense. MOST (non-mathematical) word puzzles are based on challenging assumptions inherent in colloquial English. They are designed to be misleading.

  • "Two halves make a whole, so you climb through the whole."
  • "The doctor is the boy's mother."
  • "His hair didn't get wet because the man was bald."
  • "Bob and Jan are fish."

Whenever a puzzle is presented as a simple setup, the puzzler should always consider each word as a clue. With regards to the given puzzle, the puzzler naturally assumes in colloquial English that, if the speaker mentions a set of characteristics applying to a group, the speaker would not intentionally leave out members of the group that have those same characteristics. In my opinion, that's a typical assumption challenged by word puzzles.

Consider this statement: "I have two children with birthday parties coming up during the week. One of whom is a boy born on a Tuesday. The other is also a boy born on a Tuesday, but he's already graduated college so we don't need to get him a clown." It's not improper, just inefficient.

Comment Re:Next technology, next cassandra (Score 1) 386

Even more to the point, the health risk for stereopsis from 3D is, according to the article, caused by the two separate images projected at each eye. Not all 3D technology works that way. Popular 3D in film and television use glasses, but 3D images can be projected or simulated without any eye-wear. I'm not sure about the effects of all competing 3D technologies currently being considered for consumer televisions, but true holographic video does not suffer from that problem.

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