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Comment Re:Just like the "war on illegal variable X" (Score 1) 338

Ah... are you suggesting that you *want* an Arab Spring? Personally, I couldn't think of any situation that couldn't be made worse by adding the likes of the Muslim Brotherhood and/or Al Qaeda to it.

Before: You can lose your internet for downloading copyrighted material.

After: You can lose your virginity by walking down the street with an inch of flesh showing.

For those who are not going to 'get' my comment, let me be blunt: The "Arab Spring" in most countries has been leading to a particularly virulent form of extremism that makes people think that all Muslims are incurably violent. Muslim women who used to be allowed to have careers under Muslim leadership are beginning to find that they are now not even allowed to leave the house.

Now if you are talking about what the mainstream media claims the 'Arab Spring' is, then I might be able to agree with you.

Comment Re:Iran's plan (Score 1) 211

The Israelites have a comprehensive underground system and train its people to disappear into it within less than five minutes. They recently held a country-wide drill, if I remember correctly. These are concrete bunkers built to withstand rocket fire.

Palestinian leaders use families and children as human shields, and point to the injuries of children in an attempt to demonize their enemies... even though many of these children have been taken into Israeli hospitals for treatment.

In the most recent fight, some of the Israeli airstrikes were aborted when they saw families sitting on the roof of buildings near their targets. Meanwhile, a Palestinian rocket struck and destroyed an Israeli kindergarten... resulting in no casualties, but not for lack of trying!

Death reports, accurate or not, are only a piece of the puzzle.

Comment Kirby (Score 1) 333

I actually heard of something similar years ago. It seems that keeping your house as allergen/dust free as absolutely possible weakens your ability to deal with dust and allergens.

My absolute best use of this information was when I turned down the Kirby salesman by saying that I feared his vacuum would filter the air *too well* and leave my children at greater risk of asthma.

Comment Re:I wonder... (Score 1) 1135

Simple. Allow any law-abiding passenger to travel armed. If you have to mandate special bullets for safety reasons, do it. 9/11 could have been 100% prevented by two grannies with guns (one on each plane).

Arming the good guys is MUCH easier, simpler, and less intrusive than trying to disarm ALL the bad guys.

Comment Re:I hope you like your change. (Score 1) 368

"It's hard to pin down the point at which that clump of tissue deserves protection under the law as an independent human being"

Let me see if I can help you with that.

The unborn resembles a 'clump of tissue' for about one week, maybe two at most. At five weeks (three post-fertilization), the heart begins to beat. Three weeks later, doctors are able to detect brainwaves from the unborn, and the unborn is capable of moving independently. At this point, most women have missed one period, but as missing a period is not unusual for a woman, most women will not have had their pregnancy test.

By the time the average woman discovers that she is, in fact, pregnant, the unborn is a tiny creature with head, body, arms and legs, hands and feet, with a beating heart, independent movement, brain waves, and the reflexes necessary to avoid pain.

As for independence: Though a newly orphaned baby is capable of surviving without the birth mother with sufficient care by other human beings, it still needs a great deal of human presence and attention. "Failure to thrive" is a phenomenon in which babies, usually in places like orphanages, waste away and die despite plentiful food/warmth/cleanliness due to nothing more than lack of another person's physical presence.

Human beings don't even understand the concept of being a person independent of his or her mother until after the first year of post-birth life.

This is why many people who emphasize independence above all else in answering the abortion issue tend to advocate infanticide up to the age of 2. I'm not accusing you of holding to this viewpoint. I just want you to be aware of its dangers.

Comment Re:I hope you like your change. (Score 1) 368

The more the liberals do, the more like this life gets. Just ten years ago, I was working-class and allowed to fight for what I needed. Now, I'm still working-class, but I must blindly accept what the government gives me (if anything at all) and, in return, I am not allowed to fight for it.

Pardon me, I'm in a very bad mood, I just found out that changes due to Obamacare is making it VERY difficult for me to get my baby's medication for her. Ever since these guidelines started getting put into action, I've had trouble getting needed care for my family for the first time EVER... even when we had no insurance it was easier and cheaper than this.

Comment Not all politics is a matter of mob rule (Score 1) 178

"In a world where one politician with a call girl is forced to resign and another is handily reelected"

This in fact has nothing to do with "mob-sourcing". It is the inevitable result when one political party prizes the advancement of their agenda over the morality of their members, and the other does not. I bet I could correctly guess the political affiliation of the former and the latter in your example. One political party in the U.S. regularly demonizes and marginalizes members caught in flagrante delicto while the other circles the wagons on cue unless the unfortunate perpetrator hampers their cause.

Comment Re:Hang on... (Score 1) 728

That's what makes the United States different form places like Kenya. In the U.S., unlike most of the rest of the world, class mobility allows you to become very rich without rich parents, rich friends, or pure luck.

Wealth isn't a disease to be caught. It isn't a genetic defect to be passed down. Wealth is produced. In a country where a totalitarian government, raiders, druglord thugs, and other various armed men aren't taking it away from you, all you have to do to become wealthy is to find a way to produce wealth.

Comment Re:Next up... (Score 1) 303

I've got one. Let's have a real person stand there at the gate and watch the people going in and out.

Israeli airport security officers are trained to look people in the eye and judge based on their behavior. You don't hear of a lot of Arab profiling there (yes, a substantial number of Israelis are Arabs), and you don't hear of a lot of Israeli planes getting hijacked or bombed by passengers.

All the supertechnology in the world still can't compare to the human brain, where facial recognition and identification of behavioral patterns is concerned.

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