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Comment Re:Keeping stem cells (Score 1) 139

The thing about stem cell harvesting is that the chance that your child will actually need its own cells later on is rather small. Actually around 1 in 20000 small. A public stem cell bank is much more useful for everybody. It benefits children who were born too early to have their cells harvested. It may even benefit the old geezers lurking here in slashdot.

Of course, there's a lot of money being made in keeping private stem cell banks working, so there's little hope of convincing people otherwise.

Comment Re:How will they know when to cut it? (Score 2, Interesting) 139

There's actually a pulse even after the umbilical cord is clamped. Pulse in the umbilical cord is generated by the fetus' or baby's heartbeat, not by the placenta. The placenta has no pumping motion.

After the baby is delivered, it is actually not "getting everything it needs" through the placenta. Even were the placenta still attached to the uterine wall, blood flow to that organ diminishes greatly soon after delivery -- otherwise, life threatening maternal blood loss might occur. Of course, an unattached placenta is not contributing with any substantial amount of metabolites to the baby.

As a medical curiosity, I'd like to point out that the first picture of the original article shows a true knot of the umbilical cord. Of course, it's a curiosity and not a tragedy only because the knot wasn't tight enough to kill the fetus.

Comment Re:ORLY? (Score 4, Informative) 139

"Probably" just doesn't cut it. While delayed clamping of the umbilical cord may have a number of benefits to premature newborns, there are several other reasons for neonatal anemia (and hence, your need for a transfusion of RBCs) that have nothing to do with the timing of clamping.

Also, several of the reasons for prematurity may cause birth with low Apgar scores. When a baby is born with low/zero heart rate or does not breathe soon after delivery, keeping it attached to the placenta is not going to give you better results than prompt clamping and institution of proper resuscitation.

Please try to exercise more common sense when you leave your opinions in a public forum. Oh, forget that last sentence, this is slashdot, after all.

GNU is Not Unix

FSF Asks Apple To Comply With the GPL For Clone of GNU Go 482

I Don't Believe in Imaginary Property writes "The Free Software Foundation has discovered that an application currently distributed in Apple's App Store is a port of GNU Go. This makes it a GPL violation, because Apple controls distribution of all such programs through the iTunes Store Terms of Service, which is incompatible with section 6 of the GPLv2. It's an unusual enforcement action, though, because they don't want Apple to just make the app disappear, they want Apple to grant its users the full freedoms offered by the GPL. Accordingly, they haven't sued or sent any legal threats and are instead in talks with Apple about how they can offer their users the GPLed software legally, which is difficult because it's not possible to grant users all the freedoms they're entitled to and still comply with Apple's restrictive licensing terms."

Comment Re:Survival of the not-so-fittest... (Score 1) 76

So what are you worried about then? "Ill newborns born to people too poor (...) or just cursed with bad genes" may survive, but certainly will not procreate, and therefore those "bad genes" will be excluded from the human genetic pool. If their parents are so overstretched that they can't handle their spawn, their reproductive fitness will certainly be lowered. A society that can't ensure the survival of its members, will eventually be replaced by a fitter society. Why do you think that outcome is worse? Natural selection is merciless. Darwin for teh win!

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