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Comment Re:not looking to contribute to any "language war" (Score 0) 254

error messages because you forgot a ; or }

I spent the last 25 years working with languages that use those and I can't remember a single instance of having a big problem because of missing a semicolon or a closing brace. OTOH, I don't know why people whine about significant leading spaces in Python. If you're not highly detail oriented, programming is the wrong profession for you anyway and editing your code is not where the time is mostly spent. At least not when you're doing it right. It should be thinking and not typing where most of the time goes.

Comment I don't feel sorry for anybody using Windows (Score 1) 551

I gave up on Windows over 20 years ago and have been using Linux and, later, MacOS since. Yes, both of those are also getting more annoying but I am still very much in control and understand how things work under the hood. Apart from a browser and very occasionally a few other programs I still use the command-line on both to do about 95% of what I do, which is mostly writing code for a living. I even start watching movies by using a command-line alias and the path to the video file. I don't get all the whining. It's not as if you'd die if you gave up Windows. A long time ago a smart friend of mine told me "I refuse to learn anything about Windows and therefore I can only get good jobs". That made a lot of sense to me as I was writing code on 2 Windows platforms at the time and always being frustrated by how much harder many things seemed to be compared to UNIX. I decided to follow his example.
  Today I write C++, Python, Java and PHP (yuck!) on Linux at work and use MacOS at home. I suspect I am a lot less frustrated than if I would have stayed w/ Windows at work. I made enough money working on Linux to retire extremely comfortably when I'll reach 60.

Comment Ministry of Truth (Score 0) 93

Because what should not be true can't be true! They're evil scum-sucking bastards and we're stupid and evil for trading with them. We're making the mafia that is ruling that country stronger and stronger by buying stuff that is being manufactured there and they keep killing journalists and human rights lawyers that try to stand up for little people being crushed by their mafia.

Comment Re:If you're reading this (Score 1) 243

I hope you or any family members never get into a car because that's way more dangerous than any terrorists. In the entire history of the US, terrorists have killed fewer people than the number that die in car accidents in the US in one year. So, let's just give up freedoms for a tiny incremental improvement of the odds not to die a "natural" death. Of course that's also highly questionable in this case anyway because, if all the money that was spent on snooping on you, me and millions of others would be spent on medical care for poor people you could save way more lives than by preventing a few hundred people or possibly even a few thousand being killed by terrorists every year. But, I guess, it's fuck them and our privacy as long as there is a tiny improvement in the odds of a family member of yours not dying. So either, you don't understand very simple statistics and what liberty is worth, or, you're just another selfish bastard.
Oh and I consider the people that feel entitled to snoop on hundreds of millions of innocent people in order to "protect" them as just as bad as terrorists! Fuck them, and I hope they die a slow and painful death!!

Comment Re: FTFY (Score 5, Interesting) 78

because this is their business model, selling as much information about you as possible.

Utterly wrong. This is not their business model. Their model is it to, via algorithms, identify people who are most likely to respond positively to a given ad and then to show them the ad. Nowhere does this involve selling any information about even a single individual to a third party. You are simply ill informed. Also, whatever Apple does or does not claim is entirely irrelevant. After all they're a competitor. Finally, to my knowledge, there is not a single documented case of Google ever selling personal data about anybody they're tracking.

Comment Re:Do you think that some distant.... (Score 3, Interesting) 69

maybe... just 1% from being the great apes

If you meant that humans are 1% different from other Great Apes you would be wrong. Humans are classified as Great Apes. If not you'd have some other Great Apes (bonobos and chimps) actually being closer to us than to the rest of the Great Apes. It was only ignorance or possibly human arrogance that in the past led to humans not being included with the other Great Apes.

Comment Re:The Selfish Gene (Score 2) 249

It's not pedantry! Also, if someone has no offspring but somehow contributes to the survival of others, that individual promotes the survival of the vast majority of his or her genes. The effect is even greater if the support is for offspring of close relatives. Finally, I think most people like to delude themselves with fantasies of how unique they are!

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