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Comment Re:Why charge for something thats free with Opera? (Score 1) 112

I'd rather the Chinese collect my browsing habits than Uncle Sam.

If the only benefit of not choosing "neither" is that you get the privilege of running Opera, then I'd pick neither. Running Opera is just volunteering all your bases to China with no payoff.

Also, just because you're gifting your data to China doesn't mean Uncle Sam isn't watching too. Use a reputable VPN and something other than Opera.

Comment Re:2 views (Score 1) 71

I don't mind the cops having a camera on me any more than they should mind me having a camera on them

With you 100%. The laws backing cops barring cameras are offensive.

You're probably being overly paranoid if you expect that to happen to you, as it's probably within an order or two of magnitude of pulling down a huge lotto jackpot.

Of course it's not going to happen to me. I'm white. Shouldn't happen at all.

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