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Comment And this is how Apple shot themselves in the foot (Score 0) 260

Because if you're going to intentionally slow down your own platform, and hence, making your own platform inferior to others using the very same browser and JS engine, what you get is a very nice opening for the competition to claim superiority over you (and by rights they shall, since you suck). Ta-da: Apple's 101 on how to shoot yourself in the foot.

Comment Wait, what? (Score 1) 217

So first they back ideas to introduce total internet data retention, surveillance, tracking and killswitch control in order to fight pirates. Then they back ideas about better privacy? What sort of morons make decisions in the white house?

Comment Re:Is it really a car (Score 1) 405

You sir made me cry of laughing. Anyway, the thing is called "land speed record", not "car speed record" for a reason. The reason being it doesn't matter how impractical or exotic you propell your vehicle (go ahead, use a warp-chamber and antimatter if you want), it qualifies as being a "land vehicle" as long as it doesn't lift off perceptibly. So if you managed to strap wheels to the USS-Enterprise NCC something and made it run a mile at warp 9, that would qualify as "land speed record".

Comment Re:Wait, what? (Score 1) 405

So just hypothetically speaking, wouldn't it be easier to just strap yourself in front of one giant single propellant rocket booster on wheels then mucking about with a gazillion moving parts machinery in the middle of a dusty desert?

Comment Wait, what? (Score 1) 405

So the job of the 800 break horse power internal combustion engine is to deliver fuel into the rocket engine (not the jet engine). But the rocket is a solid fuel booster (essentially a glorified fireworks motor). Err wait, what? What do you need a fuel pump for a solid fuel rocket booster?

Comment Re:chrome wins (Score 1) 176

I don't use any FF plugins, obviously :)

About the only one I really needed was firebug, and that comes builtin for chrome, and stuff like adblock etc. there's plenty going around for chrome, even the web-developer toolbar has been ported (not that I need that much).

Comment Little surprise as Microsoft is a QT competitor (Score 2) 193

Microsoft does their own UI framework, development suite etc. pp. and QT had the audacity to think they could do it as well, including cross platform support.

Naturally an alliance with Microsoft must include getting rid of Microsoft competitors, so little surprise there. Just confirms that whatever Nokia's gonna do, it'll not involve anything else then Microsoft approved "best" practices.

Comment Clearly not a question, but just "YES" (Score 0, Flamebait) 722

The evil IBM empire: chaining you to their OS and mainframe hardware. The PC insurgence: everybody can have cheap hardware. The evil Microsoft empire: chaining you and your apps to their OS. The evil Apple empire: chaining you, 3rd party developers and your content to their OS, hardware and app-store.

Remember remember..
  • The first modern word processor (from apple) was chaining your documents to your macos installation
  • iTunes was DRM only for a long time
  • Apple stomping on jailbreaking and bricking devices
  • The recent rate-hike for app-store apps with services expecting developers to roll over and give 30% of their revenue on services to apple as well
  • Apple stomping on free software in the app store
  • Apple being uncompetitive against certain apps in the app-store
  • The unholy marriage of iTunes, ios devices and the impossibility to offer competing "stores" for ios devices
  • hackintosh
  • recent app-store outrages where apples app-store review process let blatant impostors/rippers resubmit applications of other people

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