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Comment Re:DUh! (Score 1) 276

The last time someone did it, no one came up dirty. And we are talking about cocaine here, so I assume that (just like (last time) whoever did it will have time to clean up before the UA. Besides, as we are talking about cocaine here, I am sure whoever brought it to work with them probably noticed that it was missing. When they remembered where they left it, they did a palm to forehead slap, called in sick the next day, and refrained from using any more knowing that the hammer would soon fall, and they would have to pee in a cup.

My point is that coke doesn't stay in your system long enough for a UA to be an effective means of detection for anything other than Cannabis use. As such users of harder drugs tend to slip by, even when they do something leave their stash at work. If NASA were serious about rooting out all users of illicit drugs, they would do hair tests. But (as I am sure they are well-aware) if they did, they'd end up having to fire people who would be difficult if not impossible to replace.


Comment DUh! (Score 4, Interesting) 276

Someone who has it together enough to work at NASA doesn't have such a terribly bad habit that they are going to test dirty....Not going to happen. Although, if they'd found a bag of Cannabis, it would be a different story. The truth is that the only drug that you can detect more than 72 hours after total seccation of use via urine tests is Cannabis. THC can store in your fat for up to months after chronic use. Now, if they were really serious about busting the perp, they'd administer a hair test! Of course the cape would go dark for lack of employees shortly thereafter, but they'd have fired the idiot who left the stash....


Comment .....Because it's none of your fucking business! (Score 1) 323

Gosh, where to begin. I guess I use whatever privacy measures I can for one simple reason...IT IS NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS WHERE I GO, WHAT I DO, WHICH PAGES I SCAN, WHAT PRODUCTS I BUY, WHO I DATE, HOW MANY KIDS I HAVE, WHERE I LIVE, OR WHAT I THINK!!! If I chose to divulge such information, it is because I CHOOSE TO, not because I think you have a right to make money off of it. My biggest complaint with the internet is that people have chosen to mis-use it. I loved back in the day how I could go to a chat-room and it was not plagued by fucking chat-bots. I loved being able to type "wherez da warez", and someone would tell me where I could get a solid copy of Photoshop, or Lightwave...without fear of some schmuck at the NSA, DOJ, RIAA or MPAA, using the conversation to justify putting me in a cage. Not to say that I made a habit of doing such things, but the fact remains that the freedom to do them without fear of prosecution existed.

I always envisioned that the web would be used to liberate humans from the stupid 9 to 5 get up get in the car, take the bus, or train, sit at a desk getting fatter, surviving or merely enduring office-related bullshit/politics for 8 to 12 hours, and drag yourself home reality. But NOOOOOOO, instead the internet has become like a farm, where you are milked for personal data, and your every transaction is being monetized at no benefit to you. Deep down, I think this is the result of employers not utilizing the full potential of the web. That it really represented the end of locality, and has instead been perverted to become the end of privacy, and dignity.


Comment Re:Karma whoring much? (Score 1) 426

"BP has already paid $3.9bn to businesses and personal claims, and $1.2bn in government claims, and that the claims for it's escrow fund are being run by an independant company".

Oh yeah, I'm sure that is more than enough to pay for the A) loss of habitat, B) loss of tourist traffic to the Gulf, C) the massive fish kills this has caused, and those that will be caused by this event....Gimme a damn break! Do you live anywhere near an ocean? This amount wouldn't have been enough to cover the losses both environmental, and economic if the spill had polluted Lake Mead....much less the tidal heart-center of the Atlantic Ocean!


Comment Wrong....the "mis-read" is YOURS!!! (Score 0) 296

I bet anything that the majority of the web-sites "mistakenly" taken down were in fact "conservative" news-aggregators, or otherwise "pro-American" in their content, slant, or ideology. America is doomed. and has only months left. Hope you've all enjoyed liberty and relative "justice". Soon you'll have to fight for such things on a very personal level....and Susan B. help you if you don't speak spanish.....The only place for you will be a street corner to beg from!


Comment Uh.... (Score 1) 302

NO YOU CANNOT YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT!!! illegal blah blah blah unconstitutional blah blah blah probably gonna do it anyway because hes a fucking douchebag from another country blah blahblahhopesomeonegetsenoughgumptiontoputsomeleadinhisdietblahblahblah...


Comment WRONG! (Score 1) 348

There is only one way in which our current IP protection laws are flawed: They allow companies to patent and copyright things and concepts and mothball them....This is wrong. If you want to change that aspect, say introduce a "use it or lose it" clause (and apply it to EVERYONE, including the US government) then fine. Meaning that you'd have a max of 3 years after being issued a patent or copyright to bring it to market before you'd lose exclusive rights to utilize said patented or copyrighted IP. Otherwise I see nothing wrong with the idea that if I think it up, I should have exclusive rights to produce it. But if I don't produce it, but rather sit on the patent and sue people...then I need to be treated like the douche I am acting like, and have the patent snatched....Done


Comment Re:Whatever (Score 1) 947

Thank you thank you thank you! That was perhaps the most reasoned and reasonable explanation of the situation I have heard yet. I am just so sick of the way christians have been trying to kill evolution. First they tried to kill it, because it conflicts with their religion, then they try to co-opt it so they can continue to force people to believe in their god, now they are trying to get rid of it again by taking teaching positions in public schools. I swear, if the people who wrote the bible conveyed that either god or jebus had said 2+3=4 we wouldn't be having this conversation because we'd never have gotten to inventing the internet....or Carbon 14 dating.


Comment Whatever (Score 1) 947

I hate how pussified all of our teachers have become! Afraid to teach evolution???? WTF??? It's a theory as solid as a fossil and these fucking people cannot man-up about it and tell the religious freaks that would have us living in the dark ages to fuck off and die? No wonder everything is about to go to hell in a hand-basket!


Comment It will not matter, and will change NOTHING!!! (Score 1) 218

WHEN ARE THESE ASSHOLES GOING TO FIGURE OUT THAT NO MATTER HOW MUCH MONEY, OR WHAT NEW TECHNOLOGIES THEY IMPLEMENT, SOME INTENT 14 YEAR OLD WILL FIND A WAY AROUND IT?????????? It is a fact as solid as steel that if there is a will,. there is a way. No flash this, or hardware that will make any difference. If you make something too expensive to just pony up and pay for, someone will find a cheaper (if not free) way to circumvent your short-sighted overtly-greedy dumb ass!!!!! HAHAHAHA Fuck you! Go Die, or figure out some other way to screw people (like maybe a career in politics or economics!)

. -Oz

Comment and Facebok can have 30%.... (Score 0) 116

Of my penis lodged in their anus! I ONLY play the parts of their games (if at all) that are FREE! I don't buy anything to improve my "gaming experience" or the lethality of my Strike Force unit. The day they implement this bullshit policy is the day that I quit playing their fucking games. If anything they should adopt a cash-making model where-in they give me a cut of the dough they make off of selling any information they glean about me via my use of their service!!! I AM NOT A DAIRY COW, THEREFORE I DO NOT EXIST SIMPLY FOR SOME ASSHOLE TO MAKE MONEY OFF OF ME! If in turn they want to give me the option of utilizing that cut in-game, I'd be tempted to do so, but would most likely ask them to cut me a check at the end of the month and call it good.


Comment Re:Ban guns (Score 1) 2166

"I'm afraid that me not owning a gun will not save me from being shot and killed."

That isn't my problem or concern. You choose not to arm yourself, (with wit or other weapon) that is your reality to deal with. I think the trouble most people have with the idea of getting rid of guns, is that even in places where they don't have a means to produce or purchase firearms, people still manage to get ahold of them. The idea that if you make guns illegal that gun-violence will end is pure folly. The idea of a weapon that omits a projectile is in the human mind. Where a need or desire to possess such a thing exists there is a demand that will be supplied.

To me the best solution is to arm everyone, and make safety classes as requisite as ownership. It won't mean that no one dies via gun-violence, but it will reduce such occurrences, and you can be sure that there would be far fewer "accidental" gun-related deaths. Also there would be far fewer murders and robberies. Knowledgeable owners of firearms statistically kill the least number of people (barring police and soldiers). Therefore an armed and knowledgeable populace would be a more polite and safe populace.


Comment Re:Ban guns (Score 1) 2166

And the funny part about it is that you guys still have a lot of gun violence for a place where public ownership of firearms is more or less banned. What I find even more humorous is how the murder rate in your country actually increased after guns were banned...hmmm I wonder why. Make guns illegal, and only criminals will seek to have them.


Comment Yeah when pigs fly! (Score 1) 400

Hey extortionist assholes out there who think this is a whizbang good idea! FUCK YOU!!!! I'll just set up a dummy account, use it to copy your data, and post it on my free site! Actually, I'd either visit non-extortionist sites only or just go back to life before the web and do things like read books and such. I am so sick of these assholes who think that the only reason I draw breath is for them to force me to pay them money! If I had a half decent job, where I made enough money that I could waste it online, it wouldn't be so bad, but these assholes are also the type of asshole who think it's a good idea to ship the jobs I can do to China.


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