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Comment Re:They don't want you... (Score 3, Interesting) 110

Containers aren't a newer replacement for VMs, they're different technologies that could be used to do similar things in some situations. You can't run Windows in a container on a Linux host for example. I'm actually more bothered by the resource waste of using containers instead of just installing a couple of software packages than people using a VM where a container could do the job...

Comment Re:Well that's quite different (Score 1) 166

That was my first thought as well. My second was that this theory sounds similar to this incident:


It seems odd that airrcraft don't have as many safety lockouts on their power seat controls as modern cars do. Most cars won't let the driver's seat be adjusted unless it detects a parked condition. Maybe the aircraft controls should use a seat occupancy sensor with an override button that's hard to reach.

Comment Re:Doyle (Score 0) 28

I always thought that the simplest and most likely explanation was that the plane's lithium battery pack caught fire (an issue the model was later grounded for IIRC?), they tried to turn back but immediately suffered a massive electrical failure that shut down the plane and eventually caused it to crash.

Comment Re:Test what you have. (Score 1) 199

I can tell when Fox has recently covered a topic because it's as if all the right-wing NPCs out there have been updated with a new set of dialogue scripts for discussing it, it's uncanny how little variance there is between any two of them. Fox viewers see the whole world outside of Fox as being a bunch of identical talking points because any mainstream or respectable media operates in an objective reality that concerns itself with facts, which Fox viewers see as a restrictive box fenced in by elite-guided narratives. At the same time what they don't realize is that while the mainstream tends to stick to the same objective-reality-driven facts, it at least offers some variety of angles and opinions; while the views within the world of Fox, a single station consisting largely of views that don't exist anywhere in the mainstream including its own single set of (often "alternative") facts, a single angle and a single station's worth of highly similar opinions, are so specific and narrow that Fox viewers appear to the relatively diverse world of non-Fox viewers as a homogeneous race of hive-mind automatons who get synchronized thought updates from a central repository.

Comment Mistakes were made (Score 2) 63

Setting aside the issue that a couple hundred years is an insignificant blip in geological time, proposing the anthropocene as starting in the 1950s - after more than a century of industrial-scale fossil fuel use and after several nuclear bombs were set off, just for starters - was a massive mistake that probably helped to doom the concept, as detailed here:


Comment Re:Thank you, China (Score 2) 160

The lynchpin of those arguments against "greedflation" is the assertion that there's no formal economic explanation for the mechanism of companies needing an excuse to jack up prices, and therefore it didn't happen. This seems like the economic equivalent of arguing that if we don't entirely understand how gravity works then it isn't real. If we can come up with an explanation for it, or just assume that it happened because we just saw it happen and it wasn't the first time, then we have a full chain of cause and effect. Supply disruptions provide an excuse we don't fully understand --> companies jack up prices due to low competition --> profit margins increase and stay high.

Alternative explanations also fail to account for why profit margins rose and remain high if the cause was supply shortages. The sustained higher profit margins are a smoking gun for greedflation with no alternative explanation as far as I can tell, and if used car dealership profit margins could be isolated I'd expect they would show a spike in profit that returned to normal as car prices stabilized at a higher level, since that was actually a supply-driven price increase that used car dealerships didn't stand to profit from on the supply side beyond whatever inventory they had in stock.

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