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Comment Re:ICANN doing dodgy stuff for the US government? (Score 0, Troll) 91

Kids, this is your brain on right wing, libertarian, Fox News kool aid. Please don't do this. People like this are useful idiots, because they think "Big Democrats Bad" while ignoring state level Republicans wanting to bring back child labor, abortion bans, and as caught on tape, lynching's. They don't understand the difference between "Freedom from being oppressed" and "Freedom from oppression". They will happily let people be genocided as long as it is done by the "right" people.

Comment Re:Unlimited Time Off is awesome (Score 1) 195

Right up until when the next round of layoffs come up, and the execs pull up the reports on who took the most time off. Easy to do, totally legal. Also, it gives your manager massive power to fire you on a whim, because the judgement call of "you took too much PTO" is NEVER yours to make, it is the person who signs your paycheck.

Comment Re:So AV1 is the new hotness? (Score 1) 30

Indeed. Given both Google and Apple are part of this, expect Android devices to be required to support it (Last I looked, for latest version of Android, it IS required), and Apple to also put it out. That right there covers nearly the entire mobile. That means any new device in the next year or two will support.

Comment Re:Any efficency criteria specified? (Score 1) 33

Since you are going to be political, this pales in comparision to the Republican slush fund of PPP, as well as the Republican tax giveaway. Democrats I guess are just learning Republicans are fully committed to fascist like economic controls and oligarchy, and just joining the party.

Comment Re:The argument is... (Score 1) 115

Not a double standard. Thi situation was anticipated, that websites hosting user contributed content can not be one or the other, because it would make most websites impossible to operate (like Slashdot for starters, site would cease to exist under the "publisher or carrier" setup you are suggesting). This is why section Section 230 of the CDA was created, they are neither, and fall completely outside the legal structure you are suggesting.

So no, no double standard, they are explicitly given this status. If you want to revoke it, that's fine, but that literally does mean the end of all websites accepting user contributed content in any form (forum, modding sites, comment sections, social media, all are effectively banned or made useless), since it will have to be STRICTLY policed, which means moderations must scale directly with number of users, a near impossible task.

Comment Re:How long should it be? (Score 1) 85

Then companies will happily license the online component to a subsidiary, and that subsidiary will simply declare bankruptcy when the time is right, rendering that point moot. There is NO universe where you can force a company to provide a service indefinitely, regardless of the cost to them. They of course can say "We are providing the service, it has crashed, we have no budget to restore it, so it now is inaccessible".

Comment Re: Remarkable to find anything bi-partisan (Score 1) 133

Umm... that was BEFORE the SALT deduction. Now, it is even more extreme, so you are NOT helping your case. Californians are now getting double taxed for the privilege of right wingers and libertarians (like yourself) to shit on them for having a functional state and keeping quite a bit of the country afloat through their taxes. Ironically, cutting federal taxes will HELP them more then anything, and hurt right wing states that depend on federal largesse (in the form of direct payments, subsidies, underpriced leases, and other fun, borderline corrupt arrangements) to survive. Most low tax states, if they didn't get federal help, would either collapse, have to MASSIVELY raise taxes, or face some serious budgetary issues.

Comment Re:Clutch those pearls! (Score 1) 316

You can either fix immigration or fix the economy. Fixing one makes the other impossible.

If you "fix" immigration, with the correct method of arresting any employer who uses illegal immigrant labor, you will watch the economy crater as all those shit jobs they do disappear, and things start slowing down. You think inflation is bad now? Imagine if most the low level services and food skyrocketed in cost because the actual wage for them jumps 100% or more?

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