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Comment So much hate here... (Score 2) 139

I see so many comments here about "I went full media center" or "TV, who watches TV???". My main source of viewing material is League of Legends streams, but I still pay for DirecTV. Why? I have 3 children. NickJR is an amazing channel for kids under 7. It's one of two channels I let them watch without me being over their shoulders.

And, yes, I have NetFlix. But, it works on one TV (the one with the PS3 on it which coincidentally is the same one with the HDMI to the PC). I have three televisions. My kids can easily watch NickJR in the playroom or bedrooms. That by itself makes me glad to pay the $70 a month that also lets me watch HD football and the occasional trash TV when I don't have anything else going on.

TLDR; I'm more than willing to pay the $70 because it adds value to my household. I don't understand all the hate around here - don't use the service if you don't like it.

Comment Re:already the norm (Score 1) 196

Anyone using implants will be using tech that is at least 5 years out of date, the FDA approval of devices for implant will take at least that long. Let alone that the $199 premium headset will cost $999 plus $12,500 for insertion by a surgeon.

I believe you are sort-of correct. The (surgically implanted) interface will be ~5 years out of date, but the actual device connecting will be up to date. At least that is the way I envision it.

Comment Re:Bullshit (Score 1) 241

I'm sorry. I thought writing "bullshit" would more than clarify that I don't agree with the author. Hacking has its place, but it is not in the work environment. Standards and procedures are a good thing for a reason. Being a "loose cannon" as the article says is a terrible thing in a work environment. Every time I have to work on some "genius hacker's" code I get pissed off. It might be the most brilliantly written thing in the world, but if it is "hacked" together - by the very definition of the word - it's going to be garbage to maintain or upgrade.

I work with a guy who is the most brilliant "hacker" I've ever met. He's also a great programmer, developer, and architect. However, when he is at work he is a developer and/or an architect. He leaves the hacking at home. Where it belongs.

Comment Bullshit (Score 5, Interesting) 241

One of the most annoying things I deal with at work is people who think they are "hackers". The best and brightest people follow the rules - that's why they are the best. They break the rules in great times of need. When a project blows up on the weekend and we are going to miss an SLA, etc.

The idea that you want to work with someone who spends their time trying to half-ass things to save themselves time is not only stupid, it's completely the opposite of what you want in a professional environment.

"Hack" in your spare time. Enjoy it, have fun. I know I do. My home-grown projects have none of the constraints my work does. But, don't do it on my company time.

Comment Re:The Paper (Score 1) 105

It seems especially unlikely in that Microsoft doesn't accept Discover cards - only Mastercard, AmEx, Visa, and PayPal.

So why would someone enter their Discover information on an Xbox anyway?

You, sir or madam, make me wish I could give something a +6. This completely calls bullshit on the whole endeavor in my opinion.

Comment Re:Where is it ? (my keys) (Score 3, Insightful) 233

I started to mod this insightful. Then, I thought "Wow, that's so cool I'm going to go actually buy that system and put chips in all my stuff". Then I did the research and realized it's $400 (source: http://www.dpl-surveillance-equipment.com/1000066086.html) .

I'll just keep putting the keys on my nightstand and the remote on the end table.

Comment Re:'Kill shot' cameras (Score 5, Informative) 263

I get so sick of this sentiment. I am a hunter. I know many, many people who hunt. You don't hunt for the pleasure of killing - you hunt for the "thrill of the hunt". It's a base desire to be a predator. And, yes, part of that fulfillment is when you squeeze the trigger or release the arrow. But, that moment is celebrated for the completion of the hunt - not the act of killing.

To put this in perspective, a common part of hunting is "finishing the kill". This is where you have mortally wounded the animal (eg, a lung shot to a deer), but it is bleeding out still and not entirely dead. Once all threat of the animal getting up and injuring the hunter is removed the hunter will use a knife to quickly finish the kill. I don't know anyone who enjoys this - and that's the actual moment the animal dies. It makes you feel weird having to do it. I can't really express the emotion well with written words, but it's definitely not a good feeling.

TLDR; Hunters are in it for the rush of the hunt, not the actual kill.

Comment Re:Just keep in mind the tradeoff (Score 1) 556

In such countries the doctors are usually determining what your ailments are and offering what they think are the best corresponding drugs. So drug companies just have to convince these experts that you need the drugs and they will be used.

In the US we call targeting an audience and trying to get them to use your product advertisement. Apparently you call it something else to get around anti-drug advertising laws.

Comment Re:I thought this was known by now (Score 1) 777

Read my post history and you can find that I have been on the receiving end of an ICE (USA version of whatever department this man is having to deal with) in the past. However, I *STILL* think we don't have enough details to jump straight to this guys defense. Judging by what we're given, sure it sounds like he's getting fucked. However, being a rational adult I have to think that there are details to the situation that we are not privy to and I absolutely get tired of seeing everyone jump to defend when they don't know the full details. Anyway, enough trashing my karma for today - it's obvious everyone here wants to instantly defend the "little man" without having a good idea of why.

Comment Re:I thought this was known by now (Score 0, Troll) 777

Thank you for this post. I know everyone around here instantly jumps to the defense of the person conceived to be wronged, but the simple fact is the social services worker made a judgement call that there was a non-trivial chance that the porn came from the man himself. I can actually see this being the case.

Anyone who has lurked 4chan in the past (poor, poor souls) will know of a similar phenomenon. The people who are in such a hurry to push the report button are usually the ones slamming f5 on the thread and hoping their report makes them look like a good guy instead of a pervert.

Comment Re:Latency (Score 5, Interesting) 396

Hi! Thanks for the reply. To put some perspective - I've been troubleshooting this particular issue for ~1.5 months and have done the traceroute to make sure it is their issue and not mine. The 3rd hop hits one of their centers in a major city near me and that is the turning point.

I didn't include this in the original story as I figured it was far to specific to my case.

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