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Comment Re:Tesla Autopilot is comparable to Airline Autopi (Score 1) 392

Yes, which is why pilots have extensive training and planes costs millions of dollars. Neither is true of a tesla or tesla owners.

I'm pretty sure Tesla owners still have to take a drivers test. The "extensive training" a pilot goes under is not about weird magical situations that requires more than normal flight training. Just because my car has "autopilot" doesn't mean I need to undergo some new special drivers training that isn't covered by regular driving schools...the autopilot mode doesn't give the car a complex new control set or somehow change the rules of the road.

Also this has nothing to do with why planes are expensive, not to mention that Teslas aren't cheap.

Comment Re:This isn't about the right to be forgotten (Score 2) 292

You're right, as a parent you should also be able to walk in to any home of any neighbor at any time of day and watch them surf the internet as well as check their browsing history. You also should be able to check their bank statements, any other criminal history, as well as have any potential weapons in anyone's home in the nearest square mile registered and available for you to see at any time you feel like it...after all you never know who may be around you...and "as a parent... [your] right to know and to make an informed objection trumps [my] right to anonymity"

Comment Re:I think the problem is overstated (Score 1) 669

The problem is "triggers" have been co-opted by a larger public that is not suffering from PTSD.

They've taken "someone hurt my feelings and or undermined my own sense of entitlement" and relabeled it as "Triggered"...and now they are essentially claiming that anyone/anything (or everyone/everything) is raping them...and yes, according to them, it's just as "real" of a "rape" as those who are actually sexually assaulted and violated.

Comment Re:Stop saying "Artificial Intellgence" (Score 1) 258

Actually "artificial intelligence" is exactly the correct term to be using here. It is not real intelligence, it is ersatz. This pedantic argument has been brought up for years with a proper answer proposed a long time ago; That when a "real" AI is created, we refer to it as Machine Intelligence...since there will be nothing artificial about it.

Comment Re:You're too naive (Score 1) 602

The kind of safety net I'd want for people would be...

A very basic income.
$250/month for 21 and under
$500/month for 22-66
$750/month for 67+
However, if one has social security benefits already, it's either or, the highest, not both.

If we scrap SNAP, I'd add an additional $200/month to the above figures.

Considering the widely varying costs of living in this country you might want to consider where you're getting these values from, and what it is they are supposed to cover and replace hard constant figures with something more adaptable. On this income "safety net" I can almost pay 2/3rds of the monthly rent on what would be considered the absolute lowest end dirt cheap studio apartment in the greater area in which I live, and it wouldn't be enough to help me move to said sinkhole.

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I tell them to turn to the study of mathematics, for it is only there that they might escape the lusts of the flesh. -- Thomas Mann, "The Magic Mountain"
